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I swore I would never attend second year...during second year I swore would never be an intern...and now I’ve decided not to be so set on my plans! This year, working in the Reachout office has been such a blessing! God has continued to use the Bl to mold my faith in ways I would have never dreamed! Unlike being a student, interning forces you to decide whether or not you’re going to live by the principles you’ve studied, what your priorities are and what your walk with the Lord is going to look like on a day to day basis. The most amazing blessing is the continued discipleship that I have with a staff lady who has been such an answer to prayer! The opportunity to be involved in the ensemble has been such a privilege as well as another one of God’s teaching tools! But most of all, I’d have to say that I’m most thankful for my roommates, their lives are such a challenge and encouragement to me as I watch them serve the Lord in their everyday lives!
Jaci Faisst, Elisabeth Dineen, Nicole Dillstone
Not Pictured: Brandon Arnold, Dan Arthur, Blue Chacon, Ralph Deshetsky, Nancy Goodrow, Jason Headlee, Jacquie Johnson, Marc Moreau. Pat Murphy, Eric Roginski, Kyle Rogstad, Joanna Rushlow, Rachel Travis, Sharon Wagoner
Tom Goodrow Nurse
Carla Gray Assistant Dean of Women
Bob Gray Financial Services
Cathy Hare Executive Admin. Assist
Renee Hartsman Food Service Intern
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Cristy Henson Bookstore Manager
Jim Henson Financial Aid
Rob Hibbard Discipleship Coordinator
Tabitha Hood Ministry Intern
Steve Kapusta Children Ministry Intern
Amy Kato Admissions Intern
Kazu Kato Assistant Dean of Men
Amanda Killcollins Transportation Intern
Todd Kinzer Dean of Men
David Kirabira Discipleship Coordinator
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