Word of Life Bible Institute Yearbook 2007



Dr. John Witcomb smiles for the camera.

Lecturers Teaching hr

cl wttk ', IwiPCLttiny hr a llMtmt Who Sai "Where am I now?" "Be clear, be clear, be clear!" " I will noj^uit! By God's grace I can do it. "I need a plumber and teacher in Mudsville" Fail â– Quarter Dr. Wendell Calder: James, Dr. Larry Moyer: Personal Evangelsim, Dr. Joe Jordan: 2 Peter/Jude, Dr. Ben Gutierrez: John, Dr. John Masters: Leviticus, Dr. Dan Anderson: Ezra, Dr. John Whitcomb: Genesis, Dr. George Theis: Daniel, Rev. Bill Boulet: 1Peter, Dr. Marshall Wicks: Hebrews Winter Quarter Dr. Wendell Calder: Acts, Dr. Doug Bookman: Passion Week of Christ, Rev. John Bouquet: 1Corinthians, Dr. Jimmy DeYoung: Revelations 6-22, Dr. George Theis: Proverbs,

Dr. lorn laylor provides some entertainment tor the class and gets the students involved.

First Time First Year guest lecturer, Dr. Jim Jeffery

Mr. Mike Calhoun: Ecclesiates, Dr. Ray Pritchard: Galatians, Mr. Ric Garland: Philippians, Dr. Tom Davis: Revelations 1-5 Sprino Quarter Dr. Marshall Wicks: 2 Timothy, Dr. Tom Taylor: Church History, Dr. Jim Jeffrey: Eccleissiology, Dr. Charles Scheide: 1Timothy/Titus, Dr. Paige Patterson: Pneumatology, Dr. Renald Showers: Church History, Dr. Steve Viars: Counseling, Dr. Charles Ryrie: Eschatology, Dr. Terry Mortenson: Creationism

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