uest Lecturers Steven Bouyer and Randy Bentley take a picture with Dr. Ryrie
"With the smaller class size, our students are able to really get to knowtheir teachers inside and outside the classroom learning not only about Gods word, but howto live an effective Christian life."
Fall Quarter Dr. George Theis: James, Dr. Larry Moyer: Personal Evangalism, Dr. Charles Baylis: Matthew, Rev. John Bouquet: 1Corinthians, Dr. Tom Davis: Leviticus, Dr. George Theis: Daniel, Dr. Donald Hubbard: 1Peter, Dr. Marshall Wicks: 2 Peter/ Jude, Dr. Don Hubbard: Hebrews, Mr. Tom Philips: Judges Wilder Quarter Dr. Tom Davis: Revelation 6-22, !i Dr. John Whitcomb: Genesis, Dr. Joe Jordan: Acts, Mr. Mike Calhoun: Ecclesiastes Quarter Marshall Wicks: 2 Timothy, Dr. Tom Taylor: Church History, Dr. Jim Jeffrey: Eccleissiology, Dr. Charles Scheide: I Timothy/Titus, Dr. Paige Patterson: Pneumatology, Dr. Renald Showers: Church History, Dr. Steve Viars: Counseling, , Dr. Charles Ryrie: Eschatology, Dr. Terry Mortenson: Creationism 5 jp ruv j Dr. Mar
Dr. Scheide and Dr. Calder
Mike Calhoun and his wife Betsi take time to eat lunch with student Steve Frey
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