Word of Life Bible Institute Yearbook 2007


The summer quarter was a unique opportunity for the students to experience many different ar­

eas of ministry. Perhaps it was spending the sum­ mer months on Open Air Evangelism, serving as a counselor or supervising STC. Instead of having weekends or single weeks at a time as in the previ­ ous portion of the year, the students’ entire quarter

Jeremy Snyder and Mike Yorgey pause for a group picture with their campers

was devoted to service in ministry. Thousands of adults, teenagers and children flooded the property of Word of Life in locations all over the United States and Canada. Students had the privilege to minister to those very people, by God‘s grace. In fact, it was ah of God’s grace. Don’t forget the hard times. Don’t forget the times they felt like quitting, but trusted God instead. The times when they fell flat on their face and reached the end of their rope. Those were the times when God proved Himself

A camper enjoys a sweet treat at the campground

Hye-Jin Park counsels a camper at the Island

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STC Lifguards at the Ranch

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