Word of Life Bible Institute Yearbook 2007

T»o Campuses, ^ n e p u rp o se i To share the gospel of Jesus Christ

message of love and salvation through multi media gospel presentations. It was a way for the two campuses to make a mean-

T h e s e productions take place at the Harry Boll- back Perform­ ing Arts Center on the campus of Word of Life

Statistics indi­ cate that most people accept Christ at a rela­ tively young age; however, through the presentation of the Gospel at the close of every production, stu­ dents were able to counsel senior citizens who put their trust in Jesus Christ, some who had never even heard the Gospel. This served as a reminder to the students that it is never too late for someone to turn to Christ.

Word of Life Gospel Productions is a division of Word of Life which exists to spread the Gospel of Je­ sus Christ through music and drama. They hold two major Broadway- style productions in Hudson, Florida during Christmas and Easter each year. They are The Sights & Sounds of Christmas and Jesus , Behold the Man.

This Unique ministry allowed the Collegians, of both the New York and Flori­ da campuses, the opportunity to be involved in presenting Christ's

ingful connection through this min­ istry. Holding the productions in Florida resulted in some amazing salvation experi­ ences.

Middle: Students find plenty to do on the bus ride to Florida

Counter clockwise: Students Caleb Hamm and Caleb Fet- terhoff are exhausted after a long day. Ben Bacon getting His make up on.

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