Word of Life Bible Institute Yearbook 1992


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A Distinct Difference

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Contents Different Leaders

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F a c u lty .....................17

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Distinct Faces

S t u d e n t s ................39








Different Talents

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A t h l e t i c s ................69

Distinct Opportunities

Ministries .............77

Different Interests

Organizations & A c t i v i t i e s ...............99


Distinct Memories


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Campus Life .119

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Different Ending



Advertise ent s 133

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Word of Life Bible Institute, a place of laughing, loving, growing, and sharing, but most of all a place to learn more about God and what He wants for our lives. As you look through this book you will find many ways in which this school is different from other colleges. Different rules, different jobs, different attitudes. The differences, however, aren’t re­ stricted to the school itself, it’s just one branch of a much bigger system, the system known as the Christian life. In Titus 2:14 God calls us to II separate ourselves from this world and to lead a different way of life. In our thoughts, our words, and our actions we are to bring honor and glory to Him. It is our prayer that as you scan this yearbook you will not only I feel warm thoughts of remembrance, but also a burning desire to let the world see in you A Distinct Difference .

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Word of Life Bible Institute Pottersville, New York 12860

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Different Faces

Could you imagine what it would be like if the whole student body had the same color eyes, or the same smile and laugh. What if we all had the same hair color and style? The monotony would probably drive us all insane! God has seen fit to give us each different FACES, different smiles, eyes, and expressions. These little distinct differences, the outward signs of our individuality, are another way that God has ex­ pressed His creativity and humor.

“Those who look to Him are radiant; their faces are never cov­ ered with shame.” Ps. 34:5

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( Top: Oliver Kanervikkoaho, WOLBI’s official Trekky, seems to be in the Twilight Zone. Top Left: Bob Pontius and his “angelic” grin. Above: Now that’s talent!

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Left: Yes, Vern, you’ve overslept again! Middle Left: Mavis Wu, no doubt laughing at one of Mr. Wicks’ infamous “Calvin and Hobbes” comic strips. Middle Right: We told you the coffee was no good this morning! (Debbie Rogers) Bottom Left: Yum-Yum! (Craig Hilton) Bottom Right: “Stay out of my way.” (Daniel Brown)

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Different Jobs

For many, the first couple of weeks here at WOLBI were hard: being away from home, adjusting to dorm life, making new friends. . .then, just when you think you’ve done all of the “adjusting” pos­ sible, you find out your job assignment is breakfast line girl or dish pit and you are NOT a morning person! Or maybe they assign you to office work and the only time you have been in an office is when you went to your high school office to see the principal. (The reason why, we won’t discuss!) You may have been assigned the most wonderful job on campus, which is obviously yearbook staff, and don’t forget those tedious dorm jobs! Yes, there are many different jobs for BI students to do, each one instilling responsibility, perse­ verance, and dependability in your life. Whatever your job assignment has been this past year, you’ve probably laughed with the good times and learned from the bad. Inevitably you have gained a first­ hand understanding of I Corinthians 10:31, “So whether you eat, or drink, or whatsoever you do, do it all for the glory of God.”

“Whatever your job as­ signment has been this past year, you’ve prob­ ably laughed with the good times and learned from the bad.” i

Top: It’s a beautiful fall day and where do we find J.D. Greer and Kevin Bult- working off some D-hours. Middle Left: Mike Robinson, stop playing in the flour! Above: Serving with a smile, here’s one of WOLBI’s faithful dishpit workers, Nathan Gillette. Left: Keith Wilhelm got a job that suits him fine.

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Top Left: Amy DeGroat shows Molly Luther the ins and outs of the Admissions Office. Top Right: Pam Hazard’s job in­ cludes setting the tables for re­ quired dinners. Middle Left: Charlie Leighner, a key maintenance man, makes the WOLBI campus a safer place to walk. Above: Who wouldn’t appreciate these three cheery waitresses bringing them their meal? (Morning Harris, Donna Dalessio, and Michelle McGowan) Bottom Left: This is how we fill the napkin dispensers. (Rebecca Comstock) Bottom Right: Be careful, Michelle, those things are vicious!

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Different Seasons


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One of the first things students no­ tice about the Word of Life campus is the beauty that surrounds us here in the Adirondack Mountains. This beauty is especially evident in the change that comes with the differ­ ent seasons. Along with the differ­ ent colors, temperatures, and events comes a distinct “mood” for each season. It truly is a privelege to observe, right here on campus, the magnificent handiwork of the Lord.



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“And He changeth the times and the seasons. . .” Daniel 2:21




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Different Transportation There are many different ways to get from point A to point B. The most common way of getting around here at WOLBI is walking, that’s right, the good ole shoe leath­ er express. When we have a further distance to travel or are feeling a bit lazy we may opt for a moped, bike, or maybe a skateboard. I think we’d all agree, however, that the best mode of transportation is a car. There’s nothing that can brighten a student’s day more than to find they have some time to take a drive off campus. No matter which type you prefer, transpor­ tation is just another way God has given us to enjoy this world more.

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“I think we’d all agree, however, that the best mode of transportation is a car.”


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Top: Rachel Willis gives Aaron Shaw some last minute precautions. Middle: The Collegians basque in the “luxury” of the Word of Life tour bus. Bottom: OAC-2 to Boston ready to set off in one of the famous Word of Life Vans.



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Top Right: During Winter quarter we find new ways to travel. (Jeremy Taylor) Top Left: Calvin Ballou finds a unique ride around campus. Middle Left: The maintenance men show off their awesome mobile. Middle Right: Angela Gravelyn refuses to be lazy. Bottom Left: Brad Hazelton cruises on his Ski-Doo Bottom Right: Nathan Bagg and friends enjoy the freedom of a classic convertible.

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Different Pasttimes

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Free time is definitely a rare thing for W0LB1 students. When we do find ourselves with a few hours to spare it’s not hard to find things to do. The variety of different past- times, hobbies, or places to just “hang out” is a reflection of our distinctly different student body.

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“There is a time for everything, and a sea­ son for every activity under heaven.” Ecc. 3:1

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Top: WOLBI food drives Dave Bowen to fish for his supper! Above: Don’t do it, Shelly, don’t push Jen in the lake! (Jen Wharram, Shelly Anstett)


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Above: There’s noth­ ing like an intense game of Ping-Pong, right Steve? Left: The lounge is al­ ways a favorite place to. . .lounge. (Sean Pittman, Julie Blauw)








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Left: Amy Cannoy, Rebecca Coy, and Joel McCutcheon enjoy hanging out in The Gap and posing with the salesgirl. Middle Left: No one can stop Aaron Williams (winner of the 1992 slam dunk competition) on the basketball court! Middle Right: Jenny Cartwright attempts to cap­ ture the beauty of Schroon Lake on canvass. Bottom Left: Some of us (Brian Turley) choose to spend our free time in the dorm. Bottom Right: Matt Parrott goes in for the score.

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Different Countries



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Since its foundation, Word of Life has sought to take Christ to the world. It now has camps and/or Bible Institutes in over 28 coun­ tries. This year there are 45 foreign students at the BI representing 18 different countries. This provides the student body with a potpourri of new languages, customs, and sto­ ries to share. It also provides the foreign students with the tools needed to share their faith with their countrymen.

“This year there are 45 foreign students at the BI representing 18 dif­ ferent countries.”

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Top: Becky Diaz smiles on getting some mail from home. Middle Right: Curtis proudly displays his Bahaman heritage. Middle Left: Don’t get two relaxed, Joe! Bottom: “Why can’t they speak in Spanish?’’ (Daniel Escobar)

Top: Ivan gets patriotic with his Brazilian flag. Middle Right: Frank Schoenlau and fiancee, Claudia Stolz appear to be on a study date. Middle Left: Nobuko got a chance to tour our country while on the “Ring The Bells” tour. Bottom Left: Tulio decides to join in on the patriotism. Bottom Right: Akiko Yamada and friend sing in their native tongue for the missions conference.


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Different Styles

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Standing at the bottom of Council Hall during a break, observing dif­ ferent people chatting with some friends or cramming for a verse quiz, one can’t help but notice the many different styles among the students. Each has their own per­ sonal preference in the ways that they express themselves. These ex­ pressions are probably most obvi­ ously demonstrated by the clothes we wear. Here at WOLBI we’re all very familiar with the various “levels” that determine our free­ dom of expression. Whether it’s for­ mal, class dress, informal, or cas­ ual, our different personalities always have a way of shining through.

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“Each has their own personal preference in the ways that they ex­ press themselves.”


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Top Left: The real Ed Reed comes out during Snow Camp. Top Right: Tracey Souza, “The Hat Lady” and her room­ mates, Lori Brunkhorst and Wendy Hansen. Middle Left: Joyous Gage enjoys the comfort of her jeans and sweatshirt. Middle: “Peace.” Steve Thomas caps off class dress with a Chicago Bulls hat. Above: Even Jack Wyrtzen makes a statement with his “different” sense of style. Left: “Ray Rastelli, the studious type, makes a statement without saying a word.” -Snow Camp Fashion Show.

OPPOSITE PAGE Top: Nobody shows their style quite like Joel McCutcheon. Bottom Left: Todd Hautala and Kerry Conroy all decked out for the Presidential Banquet, Fall ’91. Left: James must have brought this tie from California.

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A Different Lifestyle

The Word of Life way of life is def­ initely different. When one first steps on WOLBI property he or she may feel as though they have suddenly been cut off from the outside world. No radio. No television. No outside distractions of any kind. At times this isolation can be very refreshing and other times it can make one stir cra­ zy, but once you’re here a while you can make it into a real growing ex­ perience. It could take a while, how­ ever, before you get used to WOLBI discipline such as: demerits, (hopefully you won’t get too used to those!) required dinners, nametags, I.D. cards, and “quiet in dorms”, just to name a few. There is a silver lining, though, and it outshines the cloud by far, for the way this school combines Bible study, prayer, and ministry is the difference that will change our lives as well as the lives of others!

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“At times this isolation can be very refreshing and other times it can make one stir crazy.”

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My charge to the graduating class of 1992 is Paul’s charge to young Timothy. It is II Timothy 4:1-8, “I charge thee therefore before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and his kingdom; Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all long- suffering and doctrine. For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themslves teachers, having itching ears; and they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables. But watch thou in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, make full proof of thy ministry. For I am now ready to be offered, and the time of my departure is at hand. I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith: Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but unto all them also that love his appearing.” I hope you will fulfill these challenges from Paul whom we expect to see

any day now in the Rapture. Yours on the Victory Side, Jack Wyrtzen, Founding Director

To the graduating class of 1992: I think the phrase that I hear most by students here at the Bible Institute is; “the greatest year of my life was the year that I spent at the Word of Life Bible Institute.” Without doubt, I am really excited and happy to hear that, but I really believe that every year that the Lord gives us to live should be the greatest year of our lives. The tragedy is that most of us live either in yesterday or tomorrow and the per­ son that is really used of God is the person who lives in today. I am sure this has been a great year! May it be the first in many great years as you live your lives for the glory of God.

Harry Bollback Senior Director 18 / STAFF


It was a warrq, humid night on June 10, 1959, the night of my ordination to ttye Gospel ministry. I had invited my seminary Greek professor, Dr. Fred Kuehner, to give the charge to the candidate. As he stepped to the pulpit, he opened his Greek New Testament and read from I Timothy 4:7,8. Fixing his eyes on me, he repeated the last half of the, ” EXERCISE YOURSELF RATHER UNTO GODLINESS." During the next 30 minutes, I became acutely aware that if I was going to take time and effort to be spiritually fit, it would demand discipline. Graduates of the Word of Life Bible Institute, let me make it clear that if you are going to make anything worthwhile out of your life, it will not happen without discipline. This applies to every sector of living — sporty, music, business, education, law, medicine — you name it! If you want to excel in these areas, it will only happen through discipline. When you are talking about your spiritual life, discipline is the basic ingredient. In other words, you will not make it without it. Now, you may know this, but just knowing it is not enough. You need to exercise (hard work, sweat, pain, stretching, saying “no,” etc.) yourself (no one else can have your Quiet Time for you) to Godliness (right living according to God’s Word, not your feelings or the world’s ideas or even your best friend’s counsel). Godliness is the goal, but it only comes through discipline. “You will either experience the joy of discipline or the heartache of

indulgence.” George Theis Executive Director

Often you have heard during this year, “Word of Life Bible Institute, a great place to start!” As you move on, I would like to challenge you with, “Word of Life Bible Institute, a great place to stay!” It has been our desire this year that the spirit of God might have truly engraved upon your heart the tremendous fundamentals of the faith that will become great building blocks for your future. So, as you think about the Word of Life Bible Institute: 1) Stay true to the Word of God. The Word of God is not only the final authority for your creed and for your conduct but also a faithful admonition to walk in the light of His Word. 2) Stay true to the work of God. Word of Life Bible Institute has been a place for you to experience a great thrill in the work of God. Stay true in that work — a work of evan­ gelism, a work of edification, and a work of exaltation of the person of Christ. 3) Stay true to the worship of God. We have tried to show you this year that our Lord Jesus Christ is truly worthy of all your worship. Worthy is the Lamb! So, remember, Word of Life Bible Institue is not only a great place to start but a great place to stay! May these concepts be your constant reminder as you move on in your pilgrimage for your service for Christ. Joe Jordan Senior Vice President of Ministries


Doug Mieras, Vice President of Finances

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John Nelson, Sr. Vice President of Operations


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The class of 1992 has established a reputation for hard work and spiritual perception during the time that they have been residents of Pottersville. Resident and visiting faculty and staff have repeatedly commented on the outstanding character demonstrated by students in all programs of the institute year. You as members are to be commended. While a good start in life is important, I would like to challenge each of you to also work at continuing this reputation. Fifty years from now I hope that you will be remembered as the class that also finished well. Remember the words of the apostle Paul, “Therefore, my beloved, be ye steadfast, unmovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your toils are not in vain in the Lord” (I Cor 15:5).

Stuart F. Page Executive Dean

When Pompeii was destroyed by the eruption of Mount Vesuvius, there were many people buried in the ruins. Some were found in cellars, as if they had gone there for security. Some were found in the upper rooms of buildings. But where was the Roman sentinal found? Standing at the city gate where he had been placed by the captain, with his hands still grasping his weapon. There, while the earth shook beneath him; there, while the floods of ashes and cinders covered him, he stood at his post. And there, after a thousand years, was this faithful man still to be found. Indeed what a challenge to us, if our world were to shake beneath us, through calamity, fears, trials and temptations, would we remain faithful? After all is said and done it is faithfulness that God requires of His stewards (1 Corin­ thians 4:2) We trust that this year of study at Word of Life has helped to equip you to be that faithful stewards. I wish you God’s best. -Joe Shenke 1 Corinthians 15:58

“Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Consider him who endured such oppostion from sinful men, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart.” Hebrews 12:1-3 May these verses become the sole desire of your heart; RUN THE RACE! Then when the times get tough, CONSIDER HIM! May God bless you as you go out to serve our Lord.


Brian Headdings Associate Dean

Deans When memories start fading from your time here at WOLBI, my hope for each of you is that you continue to pursue the goal of walking more in­ timately with your God. Of course, this only hap­ pens as you perpetually immerse yourself in the truths of God’s Word. Remember, if God created life he ought to know how it is to function. Your goal is to find out (by your study of His Word) exactly how this thing called life is to be put together. On the one hand, God says that the way of the transgressor is hard. However, God also says that the steps of the righteous man will be established. Follow the “Instruction Book” and the result will be incredible. Mr. Hobbs Dean of Men To the Class of 1992: Proverbs 19:21 (New Scofield Bible) “There are many plans in a man’s heart, Nevertheless the Lord’s counsel that will stand.” As you leave this year of learning, training, and application — may you go forth as tools and in­ struments Christ can use for His service! In your future endeavors remember to think Bib­ lically and to seek His counsel. In Christ Ginny Newton Dean of Women

It was Amy Carmichael, the great missionary of the 19th century, who once said, “Teach us, O Lord, to serve Thee as Thou deservest; to give and not count the cost; to fight and not heed the wounds; to toil and not to seek for rest; to labor and not to ask for any reward save that of knowing that we do Thy will, O Lord.” -Phil and Kym Moser -Associate Dean of Men

“But the people who know their God will display strength and take action.” Daniel 11:32b — It is my hope that the class of 92 will know that great and mighty things will come to those people who know their God. There is no better calling then service to the King of Kings. My challenge is that you will commit to Him now with all your heart and my prayer for you is that you will never waiver. Sharon Wagoner Associate Dean of Women




Above: Who said working in the BI office wasn’t fun?! (Lois Strout, Mrs. Hess) Left: Mike Lawson no doubt getting some life-changing advice from his staff advisor, Sam Frey.

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During the dark hours of World War II, Winston Churchill told the people of England, “I have nothing to offer you but blood, toil, tears and sweat.” Perhaps during the course of this year, you have felt the same way! There are, how­ ever, three great symbols of Christianity that I would offer for your consideration. The cross (Mk 8:34) is a symbol of blood. The yoke (Mt 11:29) is a symbol of toil. The towel (Jn 13:4) is a symbol of the tears and sweat shed in serving others. Put your hand to the plow and don’t look back!

Maranatha! Tom Davis Academic Dean

Our yesterdays are the source of what we will be tomorrow. Your year at Word of Life should be more than a memory, it should be a be­ ginning upon which to build. These are mem­ ories that make a difference, living memories. It is my prayer that you will build great spiritual victories on these living memories. Pray for us as we pray for you that the Lord will continue the great work that He has begun (Phil 1:6). Mr. Marshall Wicks


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I Thess. 5:24- “Faithful is He that calleth you, who also will do it.” Remember whether its 10 weeks of Snow Camp, weekend canvassing, local church ministry, etc., He will empower you to do it. As Dr. Calder taught you, “Don’t Quit.” It’s hard to understand why a righteous God would die for us, but it’s harder to understand why we won’t share that fact with others! May God use you greatly as you make Christ known to a dying world. Mr. Brian Gower i Director of Evangelism

Keith Basley, Director of Physical Education

James Boyle, Administrative Assis­ tant


Brian Donley, Director of Music

Joanne Espenshade, Librarian

Amie DeGroat, Admissions Secre tary

Davia Burlingame, Executive Secre­ tary



Sam Frey, Director of Open Air Evangelism

Bob Gray, Business Manager

Joanne Hess, Receptionist

Ruth Hobbs, Business Office Secre­ tary


Gail Kessell, Director of Housekeep­ ing

Sue Kirby, Secretary

Cathy Long, RN, Director of Health Center

Gregg Morrill, Admissions Counselor

Elizabeth Nelson, Public Speaking In­ structor

Pat Newman, RN, Nurse

Meriam Phillips, Bookstore Director

Shirley Richardsl Academic Secre­ tary

Tom Sampley, Admissions Director





Working in the Admissions office has taught me the value of being committed to a task. I have been able to coordinate college days and also help students in the enrollment process. By God’s grace I was able to continue in my internship, be an RA, and maintain my ac­ ademics. This has shown me the necessity to rely on God’s strength for each day. — Amen. — Matt Hurja I 1 Timothy 4:12 says, “Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, life, in love, in faith, and in purity.” The basic objective of WOLBI is to develop each student spiritually, and working with your peers reveals a lot about your character, per­ sonality and integrity. It is my hope that each one of us learned to work hard this year and that we left a good example for the next class to follow. — Ted Whitney

Front row: Matt Hurja, Admissions; Peter Henderson, Transportation; Ted Whitney, Assistant to the Dean of Men. Back: Janice Loftin, Academics; Katie Dodd, Assistant to the Dean of Women, Kerry Conroy, Ministries. Not Pictured: Doug Reider, Computers.

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Over the past year I have had the privilege to serve the Lord as Academic Intern. I thank all of the staff, Miss Richards and Miss Newton, and the Lord for allowing me this opportunity. Definitely, this year has been a challenge and a blessing, but a time where I have seen the Lord work in my life. I have learned I can do nothing in my own strength, God’s grace is immense, and ministry is hard, but rewarding. A verse I really looked to this year was Isaiah 42:16. Serving the Lord is exciting! — Janice Loftin

Working as the Snow Camp Intern was such a great opportunity to learn to become godly, through the examples of the people that I worked with and the experiences that the Lord brought me through. It was so good to see God working things out in my life that He had taught me in the BI. Just working, with the strong Christians that there are at WOL on a day-to-day basis, opened my eyes to many areas in which I need to be more Christ-like. As God has been convicting me and helping me to walk closer to Him this year, I have been so blessed to be able to serve Him. Seeing how He changed so many lives during Snow Camp has only driven me to know Him more. As we all look back over the winter quarter and recall the number of souls that the Lord saved, we should pause to thank Him for allowing us to be a part of such a divine plan. I praise the Lord for bringing me back to SYM and giving me this job, where He has taught me to love Him more. Psalm 116:1-2. — Kerry Conroy

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Food Service

Ernie Toledo Chef Glenn Slothower Director of Food Service Bob McFadden Chef

Dave Knabenshue Baker Jim Harvey Chef Fred Dinger Snak Shak Manager Not Pictured: Linda Powell Food Service Clerk Gene Yeager Baker

Staff Advisors

Mr. Keith Balsley Mrs. Beth Brentlinger Mr. Bud Brentlinger Mrs. Davia Burlingame Mr. Fred Cotton Mrs. Susie Davis Mr. Tom Davis Mr. Roy Davoll Mr. Scott Freeman Mr. Sam Frey Mr. Brian Gower Mrs. Judy Gower Mr. Bob Gray Mrs. Carla Gray Mr. Brian Headdings Mrs. Joanne Hess Mr. Robert Hess Mr. Steve Hobbs Mr. Doug Mieras Mrs. Kym Moser Mr. Phil Moser Mrs. Elizabeth Nelson Mr. John Nelson Miss Ginny Newton Mr. Stuart Page Mrs. Elaine Sampley Mr. Tom Sampley Mrs. Connie Schenke Mr. Joe Schenke Mr. Glenn Slothower Mrs. Marcia Slothower Miss Sharon Wagoner Mrs. Linda Warken Mr. Rick Warken Miss Sue Washburn Mr. Marshall Wicks Mr. Herb Winters




Fred Cotton

Herb Winters

George Slothower

Charlie Lieghtner

Bill Blackburn

Stu Waples

Wayne Howard



Pastor John Bouquet . . . Colossians, Philemon Wendell Calder . James, Philippians Tom Davis . .Revelation, Eschatolo­ gy Pastor Roger Ellison .......... Judges Bill Fortner . . . Personal Evangelism Dr. Duane Gish .................Creation Dr. Ken Ham ......................Creation Steve Hobbs..........................Joshua, Pneumatology Joe Jordan..............Matthew, Acts Dr. John Masters.................Leviticus Phil Moser .... 1 & 2 Peter, Jude Dr. Charles Ryrie ... 1 Corinthians Pastor Charles Scheide . . . Pastoral Epistles Dr. Renald Showers . . Church Histo­ ry Dr. George Theis ...................Daniel Dr. Elmer Towns..........Ecclesiology Dr. Sumner Wemp . Personal Evan­ gelism Marshall Wicks.....................Romans Dr. Warren Wiersbe .... Ephesians Art Williams . . Personal Evangelism Dr. John Whitcomb..............Genesis Dr. Dave Wyrtzen . . Proverbs, Ho- sea




Dr. Sherrill Babb........... Youth in the Local Church Rev. Marty Benton . . . Christian Manhood James Bjornstad..................Cults 1 and 2 Paul Bubar...............................Leadership Shirley Bubar .........Christian Womanhood Mike Calhoun . . Philosophy of Youth Min­ istry, Theology and Methodology of Missions Dr. Wendell Calder................... Crusades Rev. Jim Carrington . Methodology of Mis­ sions Tom Davis. . Contemporary Problems, Dis- pensationalism Dr. Roger Ellison . . History of Christian Ed­ ucation Tom Figart.........Charismatic Movement Ric Garland . . . Youth in the Local Church Dun Gordy.........Methodology of Missions Joe Jordan...........................Spiritual Gifts Dr. Bob Kilgore..............History of Missions Dr. Jim King .... Contemporary Problems Ken Mahan.........Contemporary Outreach Lou Nicholes...................................Finances Stu Page......................Time Management Bob Parschauer.............Missions Realities Tim Patterson............Children’s Evangelism Tom Phillips . . Youth in the Local Church Dr. Charles Scheide.............Local Church Rev. Tom Thompson .... Christian Family Dr. Elmer Towns..................Sunday School Don Trott.........................Youth in Missions Dr. Dave Wyrtzen.......................Counseling





Top: Chris Harbin, Tracey Souza, and Joyous Gage taking advantage of a beautiful fall day to “study” outside. Far right: “Mmmm, Mmmm! Finger-lickin’ good!” (Akiko Yamada) Below: Aaron Carmen gets a “share” package and imme­ diately attracts two new friends. (Jim Wilen, Sandra Peura) Middle Bottom: Sleeping beauty! (Dennis Buckley)

Jonathan Abel Cathy Adams Aram Agajanian Lynette Agee Michael Aiguier


Raymond Anderson Benjamin Andrews Richard Andrews Wilma Angus David Annabell

Shelly Anstett Tamara Apperson Amy Arnold Bill Ashe Mike Baffey

Nathan Bagg Jodi Balazs Donna Barnum Andrew Barron Debbie Bauer


Philip Bean Hope Beardsley Susan Bengston Kelle Besecker Brian Betham

Robin Bilodeau Julie Blauw Mark Bochynski Terry Bolden Edward Boon

Left: Some WOLBI girls get down and dirty. (Laura Kessler, Ruthann Fritzel, Pam Mangus, Lynette Agee, Jamie Volosin) Right: Bill Ashe gets a taste of a chocolate-dipped dough­ nut at the thing-a-ma-jig.

David Bowen Chris Boyle Jonathan Bradshaw Dawn Braun Lewis Brill

Craig Brosinski Chrystal Brown Daniel Brown Elizabeth Brown Mary Brown


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Tami Brown Lori Brunkhorst

Debbie Brunner Craig Brydon

Above: “OK, we’re ready for our story!” (Lois Strout, Michelle Miller) Below: Jerry Cary, David Bowen, and Dave Perodin -with the attitude! Bottom: “Yes, we are absolutely the coolest girls in all of England!” (Michelle McGowen, Nobuko Shimokawaya, and Susie Swanson)

Dennis Buckley Kevin Bult

Julia Bumpus Ginger Bunker

David Burch John Burke

Kari Burke Debbie Burkley


Top: Andrew Barron has found his date to the Valentine’s ban­ quet. Middle: Um, guys, you’re not raking anything! (Jeff Wilson, Chris Harbin) Bottom:Dave Burson and Beth Brown enjoy some free time.

David Burson Evan Butler

Andy Calhoun Rod Cameron

William Campbell Amy Cannoy

Aaron Carman Joel Carrera

Jenny Cartwright Jerry Cary

Rob Casey David Cava


Timothy Chappell Heather Cheesman Jason Christofi Joel Christofi Todd Christopherson

Angela Circle Jonathan Claggett Rebecca Cole Bill Coley Rebecca Comstock

Melissa Cooper Dawn Corser Marcie Costner Rebecca Coy Joel Culberson

Steve Cymbal Steven Daffron Brian Daigle Donna Dalessio Chad Dalton

Right: Scott Miller and his friendly smile. Below: “These are fish.” (Jerry Cary)




Paul David Becky Dean Melinda Degnan Joel Dehart Duane Den Boer

Valerie Detwiler Michelle Diaco Becky Diaz Paula Doane Susan Dowty

Left: “O-kay, I’m ready to go!” Right: Carmen Gill and Georgette Menditto pose with some furry friends.

i I

Sheila Durham Roger Duttweiler Sarah Dye Eric Dykstra Anusha Ebenezer

Jon Eger Mark Elson Marty Elson

Julie Emmerson Daniel Escobar



Matthew Fearey Jonathan Ferguson

Sharon Ferrara Sara Foote


Betsy Fox Jo-Hannes Frick

Top: Collegians, Tamara Apperson and Debbie Rogers, take every op­ portunity to get some rest while on the “Ring The Bells” tour. Above: Steve Scott checks for “ring around the collar”. Left: “I’ve had enough of this Faith Promise stuff!” (Martin Rembert) Below: Our very own WOLBI he-man. (Paul Kelly)

Ruthann Fritzel Joyous Gage


Karen Garceau Sally Gebensleben

Carmen Gill Tiffany Gillespie



James Gillette Nathan Gillette

Merideth Goddard James Goers

Debbie Goodrow George Grace

Athena Gracy Angela Gravelyn

Shannon Greathouse J.D. Greear

Tamara Greenacre Linda Gregoire

Top: Joel McCutcheon and Dave Pierce can’t seem to agree on what kind of picture they are posing for -cheezy or charming. Bottom: Our president, Paul Kelly. . .???


Rachel Guth Justin Haas Pamela Haas Catherine Hagerman Carmen Hall

April Hamilton Heather Hanna Wendy Hansen Chris Harbin Bryan Harkins

Left: “So, will you go to the banquet with me, or not?” (Anissa Sutton and Walt Wharram) Right: Wendy Kline “the WOLBI Wonder” and Melis­ sa Mulder enjoy their day at the laundry room.

Brian Harper Morning Harris Tonya Hatcher Sonya Hautala Brad Hawkins

Joelle Hay Pamela Hazard Brad Hazelton Stephen Hemsworth Sarah Henderson


Far Left: You can run, but you can’t hide! (Erin Veelman) Top: Go, Todd! Middle Bottom: Nathan Bagg is looking a little weary on wheels, but Doug Miller is still going strong. Below: Donley and Co.

Nicole Herbert Marisa Hernandez Christy Heward Todd Hill Brian Hilyard

Ed Holderman Kim Holloman Coralie Holmes Shawn Holmes Gertrude Howell

Kathy Hughes Ned Irvin Kevin Jackson Stephen Janho Carrie Jarrell

Robin Jester Melanie Jones Shelly Jones Jung Hoon Nicole Katz


Nathan Kauffman Patrick Kelly

Paul Kelly Danielle Kerrick

Laura Kessler Ian Kille

Kim Hyun Sharon King

Top: “I’m sorry, Tyler, you’ll just have to wait a few more years before you can play in the Turkey Bowl.’’ Above: Matt Parrott and Greg Lewis show off the latest in WOLBI men’s hairstyling -Looks good! Below: “For the yearbook? Of course I’ll smile!” (Nicole Katz)

Wendy Kline Kyle Knell

Merrill Kocher Julie Kough



Below: The Snak Shak is always an exciting place to be during Snow Camp. (Debbie Goodrow, Debbie Burkley) Middle: Jeremy, pick on someone your own size! (Jeremy Miller, Will Campbell) Bottom: It’s a beautiful Morning. . .and Laura. (Morning Harris, Laura Pletcher)

John Kraly Cherie Kramer

Vernon Kreuzberg Darcy Kryger

Steve Kubat Daniela Kubler

Adrienne Kupietz Amy La Barge

Mark Lamb Ruth Lambert


Chris Laramee Susan Lashley


Michael Lawson Steve Lazorischak Jerry Ledwell Greg Lewis Lanny Lewis

Bradley Loftin Delores Loomis Molly Luther Pamela Mangus Heather Mason

Joy Massam Joey Mast Darren May

Connie Me Brayer Michael Me Cully

Michelle Me Gowen Joel McCutcheon Heather McNutt Georgette Menditto Eric Meng

Left: Valerie Detwiler and Karen Garceau at the Thanksgiving Banqi What, no dates?! i Below: Yes, we keep our soundmen behind bars here at WOLBI. (Andi Robertson)


Left: Brian Turley and Steve Hemsworth swap stories from their day’s events. Right: Mavis Wu and Sheri Siers bring in the New Year with a smile.

Lori Mervyn Michelle Michaud Doug Miller Jeremy Miller Scott Miller

Alex Mingle Jeff Mohl

Michael Morales James Morelos Amy Morris

Melissa Mulder Angela Neely Floyd Neival Tim Nicholls Anthony O’Connell

Anne Oswald Amy Paddock Dominic Pardi Michelle Park Matt Parrott


Todd Patterson Micah Pattisall

David Parodin Fernando Perry

Above: Anthony O’Connell gives us a tour of the dish pit. Below: Chuck Covelusky obviously enjoys his work assignment. Bottom: OK, guys, what are you up to? (James Gillette, Jamie Riley, and Nathan Bagg)

Amy Peterson Holly Petteys

Lara Petteys Sandra Peura

Marianne Phillips David Pierce

Sean Pittman Laura Pletcher


Top: “The Jod-ster” (Jodi Stevenson) Middle: “Huh?” (Linda Gregolre) Bottom: Amy Cox pumping iron.

Steve Pletcher Robert Pontius

Angela Poyner Jane Price

Nicole Raimondi F.d Reed

Michele Reid Martin Rembert

Kelly Reynolds Jodi Rhoads

James Riley Julie Rinaldi



Melissa Roberts Andrew Robertson Deborah Rogers Fredrick Rumsey Patrick Ryan

Jennifer Salinger Ron Salvatore Chuck Salzman Chris Saporito Cheryl Schmitt

Right: Brad Loftin and Andy Calhoun sport the “preacher boy” look. Below: Don’t you wish your roommates woke up as happy as Steve Janho?

Frank Schoenlau Mary Schuitman Scott Schultheis Daryl Scott Stephen Scott

Ted Seemuller Richard Seese Jess Sharp Aaron Shaw Kristen Shelford


Kelli Shetenhelm Nobuko Shimokuwaya Michael Shirley Holly Shiveley Susan Shoemaker

Sheri Siers Vandra Sittig-Healy Teresa Smith Michael Snedeker Wesley Snell


Erik Snyder Tracey Souza Sara Spoelstra David Sponable Matthew Spoonhour

Curtis Steele Jodi Stevenson Corie Stoudt Laurie Stratton Kathy Streicker

Left: “Air Will” (Will Campbell) Below: Jamie Riley and Karen Thompson enjoy another exciting Saturday night at WOLBI. Right: “God has a plan for your life!” (Mike Shirley)




Lois Strout Troy Sturrup

M m

Bill Sullivan Frank Sullivan

Susie Swanson Kuniko Tateishi

Top: Lynette Agee takes a break to pose. Above: Why is everyone so happy? Could it be be­ cause no one is writing them up for P.C.?! Right: Brad Hawkins flex­ es what little he has. Below: Have you hugged someone today? (Shelly Jones, Darcy Kryger)

Jeremy Taylor Matthew Temple


Jolene Tholfsen Steve Thomas

Cliff Thompson Karen Thompson


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