Which Way -
What is “Which Way”? A play about choices. In the fall ten students were" selectively chosen, based not only on their acting abilities, but on their love and com mittment to serving the Lord by ministering to teens. Throughout the year we per formed the “Which Way” play for Christian High School seniors. The cast was privileged not only to per form the play for the stu dents, but many were able to lead them to the Lord. Many decisions were made for our Lord Jesus Christ. Seniors were challenged to witness to others and to dedicate their futures to Christ. It was an awesome ministry to be a part of. -Denise Hunter
Back Row: Mike Shirley, J.D. Greear, Mike Morales Middle Row: Denise Hunter, Pam Hazard, Jodi Stevenson, Sheri Siers, Robin Bilodeau Front Row: Mavis Wu, Sherry Heinz
Far Left: So this is our little group,! eh? Pretty crazy bunch of cats. Mike Morales Top Middle: After a long perfor mance J.D. Greear and Sheri Siers; take time to relax! Above: I’m not a well woman you1 know! Sherry Heinz Left: Pam Hazard takes time to praj, with some of the girls who made i decisions for Christ. : I
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