Word of Life Bible Institute Yearbook 1992

Mr. Sandman, Bring Me A Tablet Arm!

receive their fate. We were condemned to spend a Monday morning sand­ ing every last tablet arm and a Saturday morning polyurethaning them. By the time that fateful morn­ ing came, everyone had pretty much accepted their punishment bravely. Actually, we had a pretty good time making Council Hall one very dusty room! At the end of the day all of us convicts were commis­ sioned as “Tablet Arm Po­ lice.” Our duty: to guard these nice, clean tablet

One by one Steve Hobbs read the names off. Whispers spread through Council Hall. “What’s going on?” Workers of the week? Dean’s Honor List? No, no. Then, from somewhere in the middle of the room, I heard someone say it. . .“Could it be. . .TABLET ARMS?” I broke into a cold sweat, flashbacks of doodling my name, flowers, and hearts raced in my mind. He read my name, (at least three times!) Yes, my worst fears were now a reality, 1had been found out. After an- nouncements some 100 stu­ dents met with Mr. Hobbs to

arms with our lives! -Jenny Cartwright

Top Right: “Mr. and Mrs. Sandman” (Kelle Besecker and Rob Casey) Above Left: Shelly Anstett wanted all to know that she honestly confessed to her crime. Above Right: Obviously, Jenny Cartwright doesn’t spend ALL of her time working on the yearbook. Right: “Yes, we really are enjoying this!” (Beth Brown and Mike Snedeker)


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