Word of Life Bible Institute Yearbook 1992

Mr. Schenke Who receives the most “abuse” in class, Mr. Wicks or Mr. Davis? Mr. Davis Who will be the first to have children, the Hobb’s or the Moser’s? Moser’s If you only had one book of the Bible to translate in the lan­ guage of an unevangelized country, which book would you choose? John * v*. What career are you planning on pursuing in the future? Missions What’s you favorite WOLBI meal? Chicken patties (Not Skip-a- meal!)


The following are the results from our 1992 Yearbook Sur­ vey: ' T Who, from the class of ’92 is most likely to be the next Jack Wyrtzen? Jim Wilen Who is most likely to teach at WOLBI? J.D. Greear Who is most likely to be a tel­ evision evangelist? Will Campbell Who is most likely to be the blonde is all of the blonde jokes? Dawn Corser What is the most outstanding attribute of God to you? Love Which WOLBI staff person do think would make a good pres­ ident?^ ^ ^ A ▼

If Mr. Wicks wasn’t our Bible What besides your family Survey Professor, what kind you miss the most? of job would he have? stereo, friends, pets, sU T.V. weatherman, mad sci- girl/boyfriend, my church entist, a motorcycle- stuntman, owner of Wendy’s Pick any two WOLBI restaurant, insurance sales- dents and create the ic man \couple? * T ? * * * John Kraly and Stephc How about Mr. Davis? Wilcox psychologist, ventriloquist, math teacher, dentist, game Who is the most “unlike show host, politician, travel couple of this year? agent, funeral home director Tim Chappell and Shan Greathouse

Who do you hear most often Kenya — Dave Cava singing in the shower? Asia Lower -V Christy Hatcher Heward Phillipines — Dave Pierce Asia Upper — Sara Spoel- Portugal —- Jeremy Taylor stra Scotland —- Asanja Fricke Chile — Tulio Barros Turkey — Tim Nicholls Columbia — Dave Burson United States — Pat Ryan England — Susie Swanson Venezuela — Tad Butler Europe Lower — Angela Cir- North America — Tonya

^ * *

cle Europe Upper — Hungary Lower - DenBoer Hungary Upper Campbell


4 * ^ * Harris

- Duane


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