It was a warrq, humid night on June 10, 1959, the night of my ordination to ttye Gospel ministry. I had invited my seminary Greek professor, Dr. Fred Kuehner, to give the charge to the candidate. As he stepped to the pulpit, he opened his Greek New Testament and read from I Timothy 4:7,8. Fixing his eyes on me, he repeated the last half of the, ” EXERCISE YOURSELF RATHER UNTO GODLINESS." During the next 30 minutes, I became acutely aware that if I was going to take time and effort to be spiritually fit, it would demand discipline. Graduates of the Word of Life Bible Institute, let me make it clear that if you are going to make anything worthwhile out of your life, it will not happen without discipline. This applies to every sector of living — sporty, music, business, education, law, medicine — you name it! If you want to excel in these areas, it will only happen through discipline. When you are talking about your spiritual life, discipline is the basic ingredient. In other words, you will not make it without it. Now, you may know this, but just knowing it is not enough. You need to exercise (hard work, sweat, pain, stretching, saying “no,” etc.) yourself (no one else can have your Quiet Time for you) to Godliness (right living according to God’s Word, not your feelings or the world’s ideas or even your best friend’s counsel). Godliness is the goal, but it only comes through discipline. “You will either experience the joy of discipline or the heartache of
indulgence.” George Theis Executive Director
Often you have heard during this year, “Word of Life Bible Institute, a great place to start!” As you move on, I would like to challenge you with, “Word of Life Bible Institute, a great place to stay!” It has been our desire this year that the spirit of God might have truly engraved upon your heart the tremendous fundamentals of the faith that will become great building blocks for your future. So, as you think about the Word of Life Bible Institute: 1) Stay true to the Word of God. The Word of God is not only the final authority for your creed and for your conduct but also a faithful admonition to walk in the light of His Word. 2) Stay true to the work of God. Word of Life Bible Institute has been a place for you to experience a great thrill in the work of God. Stay true in that work — a work of evan gelism, a work of edification, and a work of exaltation of the person of Christ. 3) Stay true to the worship of God. We have tried to show you this year that our Lord Jesus Christ is truly worthy of all your worship. Worthy is the Lamb! So, remember, Word of Life Bible Institue is not only a great place to start but a great place to stay! May these concepts be your constant reminder as you move on in your pilgrimage for your service for Christ. Joe Jordan Senior Vice President of Ministries
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