I Thess. 5:24- “Faithful is He that calleth you, who also will do it.” Remember whether its 10 weeks of Snow Camp, weekend canvassing, local church ministry, etc., He will empower you to do it. As Dr. Calder taught you, “Don’t Quit.” It’s hard to understand why a righteous God would die for us, but it’s harder to understand why we won’t share that fact with others! May God use you greatly as you make Christ known to a dying world. Mr. Brian Gower i Director of Evangelism
Keith Basley, Director of Physical Education
James Boyle, Administrative Assis tant
Brian Donley, Director of Music
Joanne Espenshade, Librarian
Amie DeGroat, Admissions Secre tary
Davia Burlingame, Executive Secre tary
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