Pep Band
The 1992 WOLBI Pep Band be gan its official duties during the winter quarter. Our biggest func tion was the Snow Camp week ends. Every weekend the Pep Band would play at meals, at the pep rallies, and at the cham pionship basketball game. It was a good way to use our talents for Jesus Christ and His service while having a good time of fel lowship with other believers. What better way to relieve ten sion and anxiety than by blowing through some metal to make a joyful noise unto the Lord. Praise the Lord for the excite ment and honor of the 1992 WOLBI Pep Band. — Steve Scott
Back row: Rich Andrews, Steve Scott, Paul Kelly, Andrew Robertson Middle: Director Brian Donley, Greg Lewis, Matt Fearey, Michelle Miller, Amy LaBarge, Sonya Hautala, Kathy Streicker Front: Tad Butler, John Weaver, Shelly Jones, Tiffany Gillespie
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