Word of Life Bible Institute Yearbook 1992

Open Air Evangelism

Being on an Open Air team for my ministry changed my life in more ways than I’ll ever know. Having never been in a big city be­ fore, I wasn’t quite sure what to expect. I began praying for the Lord to use our group as a whole to reach out to the unsaved people and lead them to Him; and like so many other people who have gone out, we definitely experienced the power of prayer. As our team traveled throughout New York City, my views of life changed. I realized how good I had it with a home, family and friends; but most importantly, Jesus Christ. OAE re-evaluates your priorities, helping you realize that it is our duty to “Go and preach the Gospel to every creature.” So whether you’re on the streets passing out tracts, in the subways performing rope tricks, or sharing Christ in your own neigh­ borhood you can confidently put your fears aside and trust the Lord to use your life to change the lives of others. -Wendy Kline

Back Row: James Morelos, Stephanie Wilcox, Morning Harris, Cathy Adams, Steve Snyder Front Row: Corie Stoudt, Kathy Hughes, Anissa Sutton, Patrick Ryan

Above: Jeremy Miller polishes his “God/Man” message.

Lewis Brill, Joel McCutcheon, Steve Janho, Debbie Burkley, Natoshia Wenger,Lanny Lewis, Floyd Neivel, Laura Pletcher, Jennifer Tidball, Tracey Souza, Saeyong Park, Joelle Hay, Marty Elson, Stephen Wilhelm, Tim Nicholls, Darcy Kryger, Karen Garceau, Tonya Hatcher, Carmen Hall, Jen­ nifer Wharram, Julia Bumpus, Marcie Costner, Nicole Raimondi, Frank Shoenlau, Dave Kim


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