Word of Life Bible Institute Yearbook 2010

craziest energy and enthusiasm on our campus that is contagious to all. Everyone is always engaged in activities which equip them for ministry. Life here is both fun, but also challenging for everyone. You will find the students constantly engaged in conver- Word Word practical the Bible really is. I used to believe that the Bible was just this big rule book telling me what I could not do, but I’ve come to learn that it is so much more than the 10 Commandments. It is the inspired Word of God that shows me how to daily live my life for God’s glory, free from the power of sin! I believe being here at the Bible Institute has equipped me to be a real servant of God by challenging me to live according to God's Word. I’ve also learned that in this life, if it’s not for God, it’s not worth anything!’- Brian Tanedo “What I love most about being a student at Word of Life is that through spending time in His Word every day, God is continually convicting and teaching me. It’s all about Him and I can do nothing good apart from Him!” - Jessica Talley

I was born in a Christian home in Nassau, Bahamas on the Island of Spanish Wells. Growing up, my parents always taught me the Bible. At my first church I said the “sinner^ prayer” but never truly understood what it meant. Later, we started going to a new church and I started getting into things I knew weren’t good for me. The Holy Spirit convicted me, so I stopped for a while. In 2006 I went to Word of Life Camp and threw a stick into the fire to give my life to the Lord; my life didn’t change much after that and I started getting back into my old

habits. I then came back to camp in 2008 and threw a stick in the fire, truly wanting to live for God. I am now at the Word of Life Bible Institute studying Godls Word and getting to know Him more. . / / Ferns Aibwnj

LoriAnne Aman Tyler Anderson Kaley Andrews

Ferris Albury

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