Word of Life Bible Institute Yearbook 2010

Not Pictured: Amanda Gross

Elizabeth Wilsman Benjamin Young Elizabeth Whitlock Timothy Wiegman

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I was born in a Christian home in Yamagata, Japan. I was baptized when I was eight, and just thought it was a good idea to believe in Jesus. I did not care much for church or Christianity until I was in eighth grade. I went to a Christian camp and met young people my age who had a sincere faith in God. I was ashamed of my own, so-called “Christian life!’I was guilty and did not think God would forgive me, but then God showed me Lamentations 3:31, “For men are not cast off by the Lord forever!’ It was then that I realized that the Cross of Christ

was enough and the love of God is bigger than I thought it was! I have decided to give my life up for His work in Japan. I want people to have complete assurance of their salvation as I have now. I don’t think Godfe arm is too short to save Japan.


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