Jeremiah Burrows Eric Feenaughty Sung-Ae Hong David Keneske Jeremy Long Being a January student is a unique experience that not many people have. Almost all, if not every, January student will agree th at Godk plan for their life was to come to Word of Life as a January student but with varying reasons. Having the opportunity to come into the middle of an academic year where every student already knows each other and they have created friendships with others gave both a challenge and a blessing. By Jan u ary everybody knows everybody and the returning students are eager to get to know the new students, which was really exciting. Although occasionally you can feel like the “odd man out” this feeling quickly dissipated because of the awesome atmosphere. The hardest, and yet most rewarding, challenge was by far the academics. Being thrown in head first, we were challenged to not just float but to swim. At first, the routine that everyone else was in seemed to be overwhelming, but soon we got into the swing of things and were challenged even more because of the lack of background from the past several months. This also worked both ways because, at the end of the year, when we returned as January students we were able to help our fellow brothers and sisters because of the background we learned. All in all, this was Godfe will and if I had the chance to come in as a fall student, knowing what I know now and seeing both sides of the fence, I wouldn’t want to do it any other way. The atmosphere, the people, and the comfort of knowing that God is with you every step of the way made my experience as a January student one I will cherish forever. ' . - - ■ ■ ' • . L'.-V T.' v' y. • ' -« ■ •*, * . - .-v,. ■ v* ' *.• • ' Eric Feenaughty
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