Mourners and scoffers join Roman soldiers at the foot of Jesus cross during His last moments of life.
Levi (Eric Alvarez) and Anna (Allie Beasley) start the dance at the wedding where Jesus performed His first sign miracle.
T h e C rucifixion
W e t / d i n q a t G a n n a
B efore Jesus Behold the Man even started, all the Collegians were told this production would change our lives. Nothing could have prepared us for the deep impact that it would leave in our . hearts and how deeply it would touch us. Rolling off the bus, the New York students arrived to our Florida campus and almost immediately rehearsals started. While attending classes during the day and having practices all afternoon, the Collegians united in making this production not only a fantastic ministry opportunity but also a lot of fun to do. Between the disciples’ crazy antics between scenes, the guards in their skirts, the Impact Team trying to get the donkey to go down the aisles, or the goofy stunts during stage call, we were able to have lots of laughs both backstage and onstage. However, when the lights were set, beards
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