"Becco/ - We Praises our Heavenly fa th er for theworksHehasy done On/yowthiypcvytyear a tW .O .l. Wes ares so- very g ra tefu l/ t e r th e Lords for worhCngs o u t every d e ta tt for yaw t e r go-! Weloveyouswith albthelove asparentyheartcan/hold. ~ Monvh Vads You/arethesedtofthe
earth. B ut Ofthessalt losey tty Sraltineyy, how caw Ct b e s made■salty again/? I t is no-
ares thes lig h t o f thes w oidd. A otty on/ as hells c a n n o t b e s hoddens. Neither do-peoples lig h t as lam p and/ p u t i t u n d e r as bowls. I rcyteads, they put it on/tty stand/,
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a n d it givey lig h t to- every - I. ones in/the hotMes. In/the icuw way, letyouAr light I K shine/before vnen/, that
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tRey may ^ce/yotu' good Hereby a n d praises y o u r fa th e r ins heavens.
Matthew 5:13-16
jprov&rbs 3:5-6
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