Word of Life Bible Institute Yearbook 2010

[far left) The snuggie becomes even more popular than when first released in 2008. It now comes in a variety of prints and sizes, including kid sizes and even pet sizes. (above left and below left) Two couples were engaged in Florida.

The Snuggie Snuggle... tne blanket with sleeves! Blankets are OK but thoy can slip and slide, plus you* hands are trapped inside. The Snuggc keeps you totally warm and gives you the Treedom i your hBnds Work, the remote, use laptop, or do some reading in total warmth and comfort!

The Snuggie Features: * Super Sett Luxurious Fleece »One-s*ze Fits All • Available hi Burgundy, Royal Blue and Sage Croon


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(above left) Quarterback for the New Orlean Saints, Drew Brees, celebrates the Saints' Superbowl XLIV victory over the Indianapolis Colts with his son. (above right) The "Scooter Crew" - a group of five girls - rode their scooters as a populr mode of transportation to classes, meals, activities and more. (left) Twitter began to gain popularity last year and has now gone mainstream. (right)

The infamous Roofio Goose sends the New York campus on a "wild goose" chase.


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