I grew up Catholic and it was an environment where I wasn’t introduced to Christ. When I was still in elementary school my parents came to know the Lord and thatfe when I first learned about Him. I don’t exactly remember when I said the infamous “prayer” to ask Jesus into my heart, but it wasn’t a true profession of faith. I really didn’t understand the Gospel at all. About the age of 14, I encountered drugs. It wasn’t an addiction, it was just something that felt good and I did it from time to time with my friends. When I entered into high school I started questioning the existence of God and eventually wanted nothing to do with God. I answered my question by the way I lived, there was no God. With high school, came alcohol. This quickly took over my life but I did not care. I was selfish and disrespectful to every person I came into contact with, especially women. I only cared about my gain. At this point, I entered into college which was just a bigger stage for everything in my life to flourish. Many circumstances led me to a point where I recognized the life I was living was meaningless and disappointing; and I started to attned church again. I was saved at the age of 20, through a friend who brought me to Matt 7:21-23. Christ has truly transformed me and has had many victories in my life, but there is still a lot of work to do (Phil 1:6). I look forward to the ministry God has for me (Acts 20:24). Praise God for our salvation and not just keeping us where we are at!
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