Word of Life Bible Institute Yearbook 2010

ou eA xs Guest Lecturer - guest lec»tur»er [gest cher-er] -noun 1. A servant of God (typically a man) sent to Word of Life Bible Institute to teach students about the person of God. 2. A teacher we don’t have for a whole school term. Examples: Dr. Whitcomb. Dr. Gutierrez, Dr. Pritchard, Mr Calhoun, etc. lek-

Dr. Doug Bookman gets animated during his teaching hours of the Passion Week of Christ.

The students enjoy a time of interaction with Dr. Ray Pritchard during his teaching from the book of Galatians.

President of Baptist Bible College and Seminary, Dr. Jim Jeffery, came and taught 10 hours on the subject of Ecclesiology.

(above left) Dr. Ben Gutierrez, from Liberty University, challenged the first year students with his lectures in the book of Philippians.

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