O Classes 7 C O s
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Fall Semester: Dr. Tom Davis: Old Testament Survey, Dr. Marshall Wicks: Theology 1. Dr. Wendell Calder: James, Dr. R. Larry Moyer: Personal Evangelism, Dr. Joe Jordan: 2 Peter/Jude, Dr. John Master: Leviticus, Dr. Donald Hubbard Hebrews, Dr. Daniel Anderson
Ezra, Dr. John C. Whitcomb Genesis 1-11, Dr. Bruce Scott Matthew, Dr. Tom Davis: Daniel, Dr. Wendell Calder: Acts, Dr. Ben Gutierrez: Philippians, Dr. Jimmy DeYoung: Revelation 6-22, Dr. Ray Pritchard: Galatians, Spring Semester: Dr. Tom Davis: New Testament Survey, Dr. Marshall Wicks: Theology 2, Pastor John Bouquet: 1 Corinthians, Dr. Marshall Wicks: Romans, Pastor Bill
Boulet: Revelation 1-5, Mr. Mike Calhoun: Ecclesiastes, Dr. George Theis: Proverbs, Dr. Doug Bookman: Life of Christ (Passion Week), Dr. Terry Mortenson: Creationism, Dr. Jim Jeffery:
Ecclesiology, Dr. Charles Scheide: The Pastoral Epistles, Dr. Renald Showers: Church History , Dr. Tom V. Taylor: A Survey of the History of the Christian Church, Mr. Mark Strout: Eschatology, Dr. Steve Viars: Biblical Counseling, Dr. Thomas White: Pneumatology
(above) Dr. Bruce Scott, part of Friends of Israel, taught twenty hours on the book of Matthew (above right) Dr. Jimmy DeYoung spent 10 hours in the book of Revelation covering chapters 6 - 22 .
(above) Hammy Hamilton and Timbo Grocott pose with Dr. John Bouquet during a class break.
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