Word of Life Bible Institute Yearbook 2010

Guest Lecturer - guest lec»tur»er [gest lek cher-er] -noun 1. A servant of God (typically a man) sent to Word of Life Bible Institute to teach \ students about the person of God. \ 2. A teacher we don’t have for a whole \ school term. \ Examples: Dr. Bjornstad, Dr. Ware. Dr \ Anderson, Mr. Cartwright, etc.

Dr. Glenn Amos, from Baptist Bible College in Clarks Summit PA came to teach ten hours on the topic of Life

President of Appalachian Bible College, Dr. Dan Anderson taught ten hours on the book of Nehemiah.

Rev. Randy Patten, Executive Director of

(above right) Dr. John C. Whitcomb finished the book of Genesis (he started it in first year with chapters 1 - 1 1 ) by teaching chapters 12-50.

the National Association of Nouthetic Counselors (NANC) taught ten hours on Counsleing Youth.



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