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Flashes of color, noise everywhere, shoulders bumping against you in the bustle ofthe streets, and all sorts of smells overwhelm the senses; welcome to New York City. A multicultural playground filled with the lost and searching, people wanting success and fame or trying to just get by day to day. The origin of the great melting pot, New York City is a unique in the sense that you could be walking in one neighborhood and walk into another and its like you entered a whole different country. This place is diverse, exciting, fast paced, and full of people who have hit the bottom without even knowing it, just looking for a way up. So naturally, this is where Word of Life sends teams to do OAE, often for their first time. For most, this is a huge challenge, stretching them way beyond their comfort zones while others thrive in this intense kind
of environment. Working along with Sam Frye and other dedicated people, Word of Life students are able to go out into the streets sharing the good news using paint boards, the rope trick, surveys, and tracts. Walking up to random strangers is not the easiest thing to do, especially at night in Time Square, but by the strength of the Lord, our ministry teams have had an incredible impact in bringing the lost home, into the kingdom of God.
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