Word of Life Bible Institute Yearbook 2010

While in Honduras for the Sports International missions trip, the Word of Life sports team s traveled around playing different schools and some professional teams in soccer and basketball. During ana after the games, we would attempt to share the Gospel with players and spectators alike, usually using translators. We had the privilege of seeing Hondurans come to Christ at every event, an amazing success in spite of the language barrier. The highlight of my week came on Thursday morning, only two da^s before e had a village minutes we left, traveled to about 45 outside

£ uys’ soccer. Durin e girls’ game mos of the guys decided to pair up and share the Gospel with Jared I used the students who had come to watch the game. Sundberg and an evangelistic tool called the rope trick to witness to a group of about 20 kids. After we with them, we ound out 18 of them had put their faith in Christ! Another group led 20 to accept Christ as Savior! By the time we left, around 75 had received Christ because of our ministry! That morning - actually the entire trip - was a mind-blowing and life­ changing experience that I will always remember. -Todd Hollenbach the capital, to play a school in girls’ and

Group Photo: (above) left to right front row: Alyssa Korcipa, Kathryn Kostusyk, Beth Sewall, Billy Arthur, Bethany Rose, Courtney Keller and Rebecca Brooks middle row: Becca Steed, Liz Cuffman, Taylor Hurlbert, Aaron Spoonhour, Don Parent, Nick Banta, Luke Warren, Todd Hollenbach, Jared Sundberg, Kody Ierley, Sarah Donley and George Hossann back row: Caroline Chiaro, Casey Jarrell, Jake Sells, Andrew Reist, Ben Clifford, Gideon Fisher, Kyle Ierley, Isaac Fetterhoff, Justin Cline, Aaron Young, Laura Trudell and Michael Ouellette

The sports teams took a trip to Honduras to share the Gospel and spend time loving the nationals in that country.

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