Word of Life Bible Institute Yearbook 2010

The team going to Hungary for Missions Reality had an interesting start. Missing the

connecting flight, we had to spend two days stuck in London. Once we finally reached our destination the team got down to business, visiting schools, orphanages, and the Hungarian Bible Institute castle {that's right, a castle). Despite the challenges with the huge language barrier, the team learned to be an example of love in ministry, displaying Godfe grace through their lives more than their words. Emily Befus said that her favorite part of the trip was working in the schools. “Most of our ministry was with children .. Here in the states, you can’t talk about God in the schools, but in Hungary you can go in and give the

gospel!’ There was the opportunity of teaching English as a second language, take part in church services, and take a tour of Budapest. Kenny Roberts said that he loved to play soccer with the children and talk to them one on one. The team, as a whole, especially admired the dedication of the staff and students that worked with them while they were in Hungary. Ministry itself is demanding, and the team got to see first hand how these dedicated people made their lives a ministry. ary 71

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