Word of Life Bible Institute Yearbook 1986


Holding forth the Word of Life Philippians 2:16

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Word of Life Bible Institute, Pottersville, New York

“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance: against such there is no law.’’ Galatians 5:22, 23

Table of Contents

17 Staff 33 Students 79 Activities 95 Ministries

113 Organizations 125 Campus Life 135 Ads


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EDITORIAL FOR ALUMNI AND PRESENT STUDENTS For every new school year our goal is to disciple all of our students in the Word, Quiet Time, Soul-Winning, Missions, Prayer and Music. But in a short twelve months, our students leave this mountain-top experience at the Bible Institute to go down into the Valleys of Service all over the world. They go with our prayers and equipped with the armor of God. One of our alumni recently wrote and said it was quite a cultural shock to go from the Bible Institute to a State University. He asked what we could do to follow up each student, to encourage them and help them stay on the right path. Right now we follow up with Alumni News. We also meet our alumni at our concerts, rallies, tours and banquets. Of course, it is always our joy to spend time with our former students when they come to summer and winter camps, Fall Foliage Festivals and during other visits to Schroon Lake. George, Harry and I carry on a lot of correspondence with alumni. Please write us and I promise we will write you back. So, we are here, ready to encourage and help as you carry on the banner of the Gospel of Jesus Christ throughout the world.

President and Founder Jack Wyrtzen


rry Bollback :e President

TO THE STUDENTS OF THE CLASS OF 1986: May I congratulate you on the accomplishment of finishing the courses that the Lord set before you this year. But as you go, may I challenge you to keep yourself free from anything that will enslave you. In Romans 6:12-18, Paul talks extensively about anything that would control and dominate your life as something that is your master, whether it be an attitude, action or thought. We, who know the Lord, should have the daily discipline of bringing all of our being into the obedience of the Lord Jesus Christ. Perhaps, one of Paul’s secrets was what we find in Philippians 3:13 where he says .. this one thing Ido.. .” Could I challenge you to be a young man or a young woman of “one thing?” Paul didn’t say “these various things I play around with,” but he had determination, and I would encourage you to look at 1987 and determine what is the one thing that He would like you to do for Him here on this earth. Then determine not to get involved in anything else that would distract you from this purpose of this goal. May God bless you as you go, and don’t forget to keep in touch with W.O.L.B.I. You are a part of the family. George Theis Daniel 1:8

George Theis Vice President


Kenneth Dobbel Administrator

Carlos Hidalgo

I Cor. 15:58 “Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, know­ ing that your toil is not in vain in the Lord.” I trust that as our year of study together in the moun­ tains draws to a close, that the lessons you have learned here will be anchored fast in your own hearts and souls. In the coming months, may your testimony as a consistent, hard-working servant of the Lord be evident to all who come in contact with you. It is our prayer that this year will just be a starting point for your spiritual growth and that as the years go by, you will grow closer and closer to the Lord. Stu Page

Stuart Page Executive Dean

A LEGEND One night in ancient times, three horsemen were riding across a desert. As they crossed the dry bed of a river, out of the darkness a voice called, “Halt!” They obeyed. The voice then told them to dismount, pick up a handful of pebbles, put the pebbles in their pockets ana remount. The voice then said, “You have done as I commanded. Tomorrow at sun-up you will be both glad and sorry.” Mystified, the horsemen rode on. When the sun rose, they reached into their pockets and found that a miracle had happened. The peb­ bles had been transformed into diamonds, rubies, and other precious stones. They remembered the warning. They were both glad and sorry — glad they had talcen some, and sorry they had not taken more. May this “legend” motivate you in the area of Bible Study, prayer and service for the rest of your life.

Tom Davis Academic Dean

Congratulations! The comple­ tion of your studies this year at WOLBI is likened to the comple­ tion of a building’s foundation. Now you will further begin to design and build your life, home, and ministry. As you do, keep the Master-builder, the Lord, and His Word, your blueprint, ever before you. Be a reflection of His love and grace. Bob Gray, Psalm 127:2

Robert Gray Dean of Students


To the East, to the West, To the North and the South. We must go, we must go With the gospel of Christ. To the black, to the white, To the yellow and brown. We must go, we must go With the gospel of Christ. Just as this song was a part of our theme theme as we go on from Word of Life Bible Institute. This year has been a rapid year of preparation and practical experience — Go forth as useful tools for His service. MERCY — This has been a good year. Ginny Newton for our Missions Conference so it needs to be our

Joe Schenke

Ginny Newton Dean of Wnmpn

Jim Laidlaw Dean of Men


Life is too short and too exciting to spend all our time looking to the past. But I hope that this yearbook will bring you many great memories (and a few laughs) each time you pick it up. If you are like me, each year will make the memories more precious. Our love and prayers go with you. Excel for God. Marshall Wicks

Marshall Wicks Professor

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Transforming? Enlightening? Life-changing? The best year of vour life? I trust that these words describe vour year here at WOLBI, and if your fellowship with the Lord stays close, they will describe every year after this! Remember that apart from a warm, abiding relationship with the Lord “we can ao nothing” (John 15:5). My prayer is that the Lord will bless you “exceeding­ ly abundantly above all that you could ask or think” as you serve Him! Chris Miller I

Chris Miller Professor


Fran Welch Business Manager

Brian Headings Director of Admissions

I Thess. 5:24 “Faithful is he that calleth you who also will do it.” I can remember many of you coming in September scared to death about going out canvassing those first weekends. Then you got through those weekends and you had to go to your regular weekend ministry. Some to N.Y.C., some to Prisons, Local Church, etc. . . . Many times you did things you thought you could never do, but you did and God really used you. Remember this year, but also remember this as you go on to do great things for our God.

Brian Gower Director of Evangelism

Brian Donley Music Director

Paul Bubar Director ofS.I.C.

Roger Ellison Pastor


John C. Lawrence Nurse

Becky Cope Nurse

Ruth Hewitt

Sharon Wagoner Assistant Dean o/Women

Davia Duncan

Ed Lightbourne




Mrs. Schenke

Mrs. Gray

Mrs. Davis




Jodie Pattan Admissions Secretary

Karen Dobbel Assistant Business Manager

Shirley Richards Academic Secretary

Becky Kline Executive Dean’s Secretary


George Scurlock Director of Central Maintenance

Wayne Howard

Ken Overholt


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Jim Harvey

Glenn Slothower Food Service Manager

Steve Brosinski

Fred Dinger

Jay Buker

Jim Dise

Mike Bush


Kerry Adams

Rob Adolfson



Doug Aitken Jim Alderman Anita Allebach Brenda Allen



Vincent Alvaro Brook Anderson Jeff Apthorp John Armstrong

Bill Arndt Lee Arnold Ruth Ashcroft Laurie Attard


Kelly Bahre Becky Bailey Ross Bailey John Baird

lames Banister Benita Barnett Kelly Bartlett Tim Bartlett

Roberto Bautista Carmen Beals Jeannie Behnke Suzanne Bell

David Benjamin

Mary Benjamin


Lorna Bennett Tim Benshoof Shelly Bird Andrea Blickenstaff

Lynnell Block Brenda Bolio Monique Books Janies Boyle


Terry Bradley Linda Braine Karen Bremer Michael Bresnahan

Charlene Brinkerhoff

Chris Brown


Fred Brown

Jeff Brown

Stuart Brown

Joy Bryant Carol Buell Kathy Bums'* Tim Busenitz

Lynda Butler Wayne Cagle Berniece Cain Tom Caldbeck


Scott Campbell Sergio Cariello Geoffrey Carr Brent Carter

Glenda Carter Sharlon Casilio Bud Chaney Sheela Chikkappa

Art Chipps Norma Chipps Valerie Claire John Clark

Chris Cleveland

Clayton Coffin



Christine Collins

Diane Colwell

Todd Condon Liz Constable Gary Cooper Shelby Cooper

Scott Courbron David Crago Kelly Cram Rita Crider

Sharon Crothers Faith Dady Yvonne Damico Darlene Dashiell


Ray Davis Kim Day

Nancy Deardorff Blythe Denzer

Jean Mark Desire Linda Deveney Christina DeLorme Marsha DeWittie


Argyl Dick Debbie Didocha Susan DiBiase

Beth Ann Dolan Robert Domitrovic Maxine Dopkovvski



Sara Fanning Ruben Feliciano Penny Fichtner Suzannah Finan

Katherine Flagg Suzanna Flowers Edward Flynn Miriam Fockler

Michele Fonseca Bud Foster Annie Francis Kenneth Francis


Laurie Francis William Francis

David Frazeur Mike Fuller

Alecia Funk Tina Gallo

Michelle Gannon Melanie Gardiner

Jeff Geisel Robert Gemza Paul Gille Tammy Glover

Robert Gockley Jenny Goforth Paolo Gonzalez Todd Graham




Debbie Gray Scott Gray Darla Grimes Melissa Grimm


Bonnie Grimstead Dan Grocott Donna Gunn Roger Gural

Denise Haines Jim Dallas Angela Hammontree Ron Harder




Tim Marios Jana Harper Amy Harrington Ed Hart

Mark Hatt Glenn Haury Earle Hawk Kathy Hawley

Kendall Hayden . Stephen Hemingway James Hensley Jonathan Henson





Kimbra Huffman Lanette Huffman Matt Hundley Tim Hurd

Edwin Hurst Roy Hykes John Jacobs Dave James

Karen James

Jeannie Jennings

Carolyn Johnson Tony Johnson Alcova Jones Phil Jones


David Jordan

Kelly Kalbach

Aaron Karr Paget Keller Vonda Kenyon Tammy King

Wayne Kirschner Sheri Klingler Daniel Knight Michael Kocher

Margaret Kohl Sharon Konig Joel Kopf Janathan Kopf


David Kratche Vincent Kunigenas

Beth Lacy John Lacy

Lois Lancey Lauren Larsen Jim LaRose Lori Leeds

Janice Lepkowski

Tim Leubecker

Tim LeFever Chris Lickmann Kim Longenecker Tami Loper



Jose Lopez Carolyn MacBain Eric Mann Michael Martens

Karen Martin Susan McNamara Ann McCurdy Mary McCurdy

Kevin McFhee Hudson McWilliams Dave Mehl Sandra Menard

Janelle Miller

Jim Miller


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John Miller Terri Miller Gary Minton Melissa Mitchell

Sue Mitchell Joe Montes Cyndy Moody Diane Moore

Jim Moore Timothy Moore Beatriz Moraes Melody Morrill


Tim Morton Phil Moser Marisa Mosley Barry Moyer Jr.

Mark Mueller

Laura Muhles

Scott Murphy Chrie Myers Karen Myers Joel Naar

Terry Neiman Bill Neller Karen Norton Teresa Cirrito O’Connor



John Opiyo Leonard Palmer Jo-Ann Pam Kevin Park

Chris Parsons Jim Pearson Suzanne Peiffer Maureen Pepin

Luis Perez

Michael Perri

Laurie Perry John Peters Deron Peterson Jenny Peterson



Marianne Petteys

Tim Phillips

Alicia Pierce Leslie Poffenberger Fiona Pretlove Ty Prom

Lisa Proulx John Pyke Danny Quesnel Ken Ramey

Suzette Ramsey Frederick Rathbun Heidi Rathbun Ken Reaves


Lisa Rhoden Margo Rhodes Bobbi Rice David Richard

Kim Rineer Kent Robacker Dan Roessner John Rosa

Robert Rosenberger Leslie Ross Tim Rozelle Melanie Ruby

Jonathon Rich

Carrie Sandiford


John Satterlee John Savioli Dave Schamberg Debbie Schmidt

Sandra Schriver Anita Scott Tim Scott Harry Sherman

Bonnie Sibert Michelle Small Dave Smith Deborah Smith

Katrina Smith

Lynne Smith


Melanie Smith Peter Smith

Rachael Smith Annie Snyder

Annette Socks Keith Sommers

Pam Staley John Starke Lisa Strahan Patty Sturzebecker

Stacey Swartz Aaron Swavely Ned Swiger Bill Tawpash


Karen Taylor Nathan Terpstra Jerry Thomas Robert Thompson

Robin Thompson David Tinsley Scott Treverton Renee Trocosso

Karen Twist Donna Urwin Carl Utter John Vacca

Christine Valentine


Susan VanEaton



Christine VanGuilder Victor VanPelt

Cristina Vasconcelos Helene VonSeckendorf

Kwashigah Vossah Diane Wahlstedt

Nita Waligroski Gerri Walker Robin Warren Bruce Watson

Jodi Weaver Gene Webster IV Jim Welch Kurt Werger


Jim West

Debbie Wetherbee

Lori Whitaker Jill Williams Rob Williams Robert Winkles

Bryant Woodard James Wright Paul Wulf Wesley Yerkes

Angie Ziegler Karen Zimmerman

Dan Zolinger Bruce Wagner



S.Y.M. September Deborah Anderson Heidi Beal

Dan Bellows Kevin Briggs

David Brinkerhoff Ralph Browning Dan Bubar James Burrus

Debbie Busch

Paul Calvert

Robert Carpenter Beth Cline Paul Crowe April Dennis




Janet Green

William Gunning

Victor Haddad Michael Hawkins Thomas Hawkins Kathy Howland

Roland Jeremiah Keith Johnson Debbie Just Ed Lightbourne

Andrea Lindsley Brian Maher Gary Maternick Kenneth McHeard



Kent McHeard

Cameron McKinney

Bruce McNamee Jeff Monroe Ken Moore Dan Munger

Wisdom Nkosi Jason Pak Neal Pawloski John Rowland

Gary Smelser Lillie Spoonhour Bruce Stafford Sidney Summiel



Timothy Swavely Bruce Tuffee Hudson Vanderhoff Ron Veasey

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January B.I.

Dorcas Baez Cynthia Bailes Michael Bailey Chris Bosworth

Daniel Buchanan Tracy Camburn Jeff Covel Elizabeth Fearen

Walter Francis Kathy Germeroth Phil Germeroth Edward Glodfelter


Kim Greising Kenneth Grill Pamela Grim Terri Keith

Jan McElhaney Grace Mowry Eric Notin

David Ostlund Annette Parke Dean Redding Stan Ritchie


Janury B.I.

Martin Romine Brian Rosenbaum Jose Santiago Debbie Saussy

Douglas Schweitzer Kevin Stauff Thomas Sturzebecker Pat Williams


Jeff Farris Kenneth Eason Hope Davies Alton Baker

Daniel Kellogg Gladys Irizarry Jane Horton Chris Gnanakan*


Stephen Kelly Kimberly Lescovich Matthew McGuire Robin Morris

Rae-Jean Olmsted Lisa Proch Rachel Rajnoor Sudhakar Rajnoor

Picture Not Available

Denise Renzi Rebecca Rinehart Eric Schlacks Robyn Thompson



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March B.I.

Robin Thompson March S.Y.M. James Barrs

Tonda Eldeen Joe Hampton

Paget Keller Ron Koehler Jonathan Mollick Mark Ritz

Robert Thompson Peter Wallace Nathan White Jon Winningham


Married Students and Families

Stan Ritche Family

Lorna Bennett Family

Brent Carter Family

Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Cagle

Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Coffin

Mr. and Mrs. Todd Condon

Maly Dwulat Family

Jeff Farris Family


Mr. and Mrs. Phil Germeroth

Paul Gille Family


d Mr. and Mrs. Doug Gray

Mr. and Mrs. Dave James

Dean Redding Family

Mr. and Mrs. Mark Ritz


Michael Bresnahan Family

Bruce Wagner Family




Art Nazrgan

Dr. John White

Robert Hibbard

* m , . \ Mike Calhoun




-V alentine’s B anquet Surely one of the most unforgettable ex­ periences of this school year was the Valen­ tine’s banquet, where the thoughts of every student were turned from earnest studying (ho, ho, ho) to the thoughts of those words, “Yes, I’d love to go to the banquet with you!” Some will never forget the embarrass­ ment of searching for a date at the last minute. Yet whatever their status (“at­ tached” or “stag”), every student greatly en­ joyed the good food and the entertainment (The Great Silent Movie). Phil Moser and Beth Ann Dolan touched all our hearts with their rendition of “Friends,” and Dr. Tony Evans amused and edified us with a message from the experiences of Adam and Eve.

But more importantly, we were reminded of the tremendous love that our God has shown towards us through the giving of His Son, and of our need to glorify Him by let­ ting His love flow through us in each and every of our relationships.


In 1964 I began my train­ ing in the martial arts, Tai kuean Do. Four years later I trained in Sho-Ringie-Ken- Po and received my third black belt four years later. I have also studied two other styles of the Martial Arts, one called Chines Go Joo and the other Sha-lin Kung-fu. At eighteen, after receiving my fifth Black belt. My brother Jerry and I were in­ strumental in starting the Guardian Angles. Every­ thing seemed to be going our way until we met Christ. All those old things became dead that we might live through the blood of Christ. We now served a new Master, Jesus Christ. He is our strength and shield, not the martial arts. In Psalm 144 we read, “Blessed be the Lord my strength wh ich teacheth my hands to war, and my fingers to fight: My goodness, and my fortress; my high tower, and my deliverer: My shield, and He in whom I trust.” — Jeff Monroe

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Thoughts of autumn were soon forgotten as several inches of new snow blanketed our campus, giving us a white Thanksgiving. The snow, however, didn’t dampen the spirits of the Thanksgiving Fiesta. Sporting events that had been scheduled in advance took on new excitement when coupled with a snow covered athletic field. Among the guys, the Bible Institute slid to a victory over the School of Youth Ministries in the classic Turkey Bowl football game. The eirls took the field for their powderpuff “big ban” soccer match. The stronger Red team prevailed in that confrontation. Of course, the highlight of the day was the banquet itself. Nearly 900 people, composed of students, parents, family, and friends lined the tables in the fieldhouse to enjoy the long- awaited Thanksgiving Banquet. Guys and girls alike arrived dressed in their best, hoping to impress that special date. Food service and the chefs worked hard and saw their labor pay off as all enjoyed the fine cuisine. Added attractions were a turkey sculpture made of ice and a massive mound of fruit reaching to the ceiling of the dining hall. Of course, there was the Thanksgiving standard dessert, pumpkin pie. George Theis brought the message preceeded by vocal selections of various students. As the banquet closed, we all thought about the many blessings we have all received and paused to give the Lord our thanksgiving and praise. Truly the Thanksgiving Fiesta was a success ana provided many memories to cherish.

I praise God for the great work He did as we held this year’s W.O.L.B.I. Mis­ sions Conference. The ten mission representatives at our conference challenged many students with visions for serving God overseas and evangelistically. We were encouraged as we heard testimonies from Georgi Vince and his daughter, previously persecuted for their faith in Russia. Our fervent brother in the Lord, )oe Jordan, carried the tone of our missions con­ ference as the keynote speaker. We set our missions financial goal at $43,086.00 and exceeded it in faith promises totalling to $45,891.00. We are now asking God to help us fulfill our faith pledges as we realize the privilege we have in making this money available to needy mission boards. How fortunate we are to live in America because in comparison with other countries America is drenched with the gospel. There are over 100,000 full­ time Christian workers in the United States, but there are only 2,417 that minister to the Muslims, Hindus and Chinese, one half of the world’s popula­ tion. Truly the labourers are few. We praise God for the pledges and we know that God also wants to be Lord over our lives. The last night, at Jack Wyrtzen’s challenge, students commit­ ted themselves to take steps toward the mission field and to, Lord willing, become involved with missions in the future. The disciples of Jesus, by the Holy Spirit, transformed the lives of masses of people with a fervent zeal for carrying the Good News. When I think of the potential our student body has in penetrating the world with the gospel, it astounds me. I knowralso that God is concerned with the individuals of our student body, He is seeking commit­ ted servants who are denying their own lives to follow him, for “how will they know unless we go.”

Unless We






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A/Liniscry M emories “WORD OF LIFE is applying the Word of God to your life and then experiencing God using you to apply that word to someone else’s life.” Bruce Tuffee

“Going out on O.A.C. was a real challenge for me. I had to really trust God to do the work through me because I knew I couldn't do it alone. It was exciting seeing people get saved on the streets and in the sub­ ways.” Daniel Grocott “WORD OF LIFE ministries mean a lot to me. It has provided me with self-discipline and has been a catalyst for my spiritual growth. Most importantly, it has given me a profound practical knowledge of the Word of God. It has also helped me to develop and use the musical talents God has given to me.” Ruth Ashcroft

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“Through the Prison Ministry I have discovered the joy of sharing the Gospel with others. Many times I would walk into the prison weak and tired, yet 1would leave strong and vibrant — Why? Because God had used me as a vessel. I learned to accept a challenge from God and remain faithful to Him through trials and tribulations.” Greg Hopwood "Being on Daniel Tour was a spectacular experience. During the tour we saw so much growth in our lives. It was a real encouragment and I thank GOD for Word of Life tours.” Bill Sherman


“Even though I’m far from being a Bach or a Beethoven, the Lord led me into the Collegians. The greatest blessing was meeting people out on the road, giving testimony of God s working to the saved, and sharing Christ with the lost.” Jim Pearson “.But when He saw the multitudes, he was moved with compassion on them, because they fainted, and were scattered abroad, as sheep having no shepherd. Then saith he unto his disciples. The harvest truly is plenteous, but the labourers are few.,(Matthew 9:36,37) O.A.C. truly was a blessing. What a privilege it was to see Jesus Christ transform lives.“Terry Nieman


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A Student’s Prayer Now I lay my head to rest

I hope tomorrow I will pass my test. Bless my professors in a special way Help me Lord to make all A's. Bless my roommates, both fat and thin (I hope I remembered to sign in.) Give me strength where I seem to fail Help me Lord to get some mail. The hours of study they seem so long But where I’m weak is where You’re strong. Between the laughter, tears and fun Help me to remember you’ve only just begun. And as I live one day at a time Make me loving and Kind. Forgive me when I leave you out of mv plans And build my castles in the sand. Thank-you for all you’ve done for me Oh. it is my prayer that Iam what you want me to be. So as I walk from day to day, Lord give me the strength to go the right way.

Now that this day has come to an end Thank-you Lord for being my Friend. Today Will Tell If only I would realize that Today could be my last. Then maybe Iwould not so many idle moments cast Aside, without a second thought Then go my way. Maybe I would stop and think Before I do or say Something that is harmful or Could cause someone to fall. Many things, I’m sure, I wouldn’t Bother with at all That I now think are important. Oh, how foolish they would seem. I take my life so lightly As if it’s just a dream. But someday I’ll wake up to find That life on Earth is past. Will Istand there empty-nanded? Or have rewards to cast At the feet of Him who gave His life To save my soul from Hell? Do I love Him enough to live for Him? My life today will tell.

~ Mari Barker

Suzette Ramsey

Take My Heart Take My heart, Lord, Make it tender.

Pound upon it with thy Word. Work witn me until I’m willing To do all that I have heard. And when finally I am willing, Take my hand and lead the way. And I’ll follow as you guide me Step by step through every day.

Suzette Ramsey

Open Air Campaigners

BOTTOM, L TO R: Jeannie Behnke, Tracy Camburn, Lois Lancey, Pam Staley, Leslie Poffenberger, Kelly Kalbach, Stu Brown, Glendc Carter, Penny Fichtner. TOP, L TO R: Kevin Stauff, Phil Jones, Ken Reaves, Phil Moser, Terri Keith, Maureen Pepin, Kim Greising Dave Eger, Scott Murphy, Ed Glodfelter, Linda Ems, Scott Campbell, John Jacobs.

BOTTOM, L TO R: Michelle Gannon, Annie Snyder, Karen Martin, Karen Zimmerman, Becky Bailey. MIDDLE, L TO R: Denise Haines, Lisa Rhoden, Kelly Bartlett, Donna Urwin, Karen Myers, Vonda Kenyon, Tom Caldbeck. ROW 3: Bill Tawpash, Davie Tinsley, Jon Henson, Laurie Attard, Vinnie Alvaro. ROW 4: Roger Gural, Rob Williams, Mark Mueller, Gene Webster, Jim Hallas NOT PICTURED: Lynne Smith.

BOTTOM, L TO R: Robyn Thompson, Kim Rineer, Debbie Schmidt, Shelly Bird, Robin Morris, Gladys Irizarry, Donna Gunn, Karen Bremer, Hope Davies, Joy Bryant, Rachel Rajnoor, Denise Renzi. TOP, L TO R: Glenn Haury, Dave Mehl, Paul Kumar Veparala, Kent Robacker, Victor Van Pelt, Sudhakar Rajnoor, Eric Schlacks, Kenneth Eason, Chris Gnanakan, Kendall Hayden. NOT PICTURED: Jane Horton, Yvonne Damico.

ROW 1: Johnny Vacca, Barry Moyer, Dan Knight. ROW 2: Anita Scott, Kathy Bullis, Michele Fonseca, Kim Day, Kelly Cram, Marisa Mosley, Leslie Ross, Tami Loper. ROW 3: Micnelle Small, Karen Dorey, Karen Twist, Colleen Hindman, Christine Valentine, Debbie Didocna, Tammy Glover, Kerry Adams, Beth Lacy, Brenda Bolio, Renee Trocosso. ROW 4: Mike Fuller, John Miller, Eric Mann, Doug Aitken, Bill Arndt, Lauren Larsen, John Savioli, Dave Schamberg, Kim Duzen, Ron Harder, Melissa Grimm. NOT PICTURED: Paolo Gonzalez, Vincent Kunigenas, John Peters.



BOTTOM ROW, L TO R: Terri Miller, Sue DiBiase, Kim Duzen, Charlene Brinkerhoff, Karen Norton, Bonnie Sibert, Carmen Beals, Tammy King, Missy Mitchell, Lias Proulx, Tia Elutherio. TOP, L TO R: Scott Campbell, Jose Lopez, Dan Grocott, Terry Neiman, Leon Hurst, Peter Hesser, Scott Gray, John Armstrong, Joel Naar, Ken Ramey, Aaron Karr. Hi.. . .- i




Tim LeFever, Scott Kratche, Jeff Apthorp. Jim LaRose. . Beth Ann Dolan, Melanie Smith, Ann McCurdy, Mary


Tony Johnson, Jim LaRose, Tim Bartlett, Dan Roessner. FRONT: Rachael Smith, Stacey Swartz, Ruth Ashcroft, Debbie Wetherbee. Being a part of the Word of Life Collegians will really broaden the use of the talents God gave you to serve the Lord. Going out on week-end ministry and going door to door, as well as teaching Sun­ day School classes, encourages you to get involved and using not only your voice but also your other talents to the Glory of the Lord. Going on tour and seeing many souls come to know Christ as their personal Saviour makes all the work and loss of sleep worth the while. You get a better blessing serving the Lord than the people you are ministering to. 99

Steve Dye, Bud Chaney, Dave Frazeur, Tim Rozelle

Psalms 40:3 says, “And He hath put a new song in my mouth, even praise to our God; many shall see it and fear and shall trust the Lord.” In Collegians we have seen this verse applied many times on weekend ministry and on tour as we sang and shared the gospel. Many were saved. As Christians it is our greatest joy to use our voices as instruments of sharing Christ’s love. I love collegians and am so thankful for the opportunities! I had to use my voice to glorify the Lord. Mary McCurdy

Being a part of the Collegian ministry has been both profitable and exciting. It has allow­ ed me to get experience in many different areas of ministry. The strongest of course is the ministry of presenting the Gospel through music. But also I was able to go door to door witnessing and also witness on the streets of New York and Philadelphia. Another aspect of ministry we gained from it is in the area of counseling. I was able to counsel with a dif­ ferent person on each night of tour and was able to see God work in many peoples’ lives. — Melanie Smith

I had come to Word of Life Island many times and heard the WOL Collegians. I had always wanted to be able to sing with them. When I came to the Bible Institute, I was given that oppor­ tunity. Being in the WOL Collegians has been more than just the opportunity to sing. I think the greatest blessing has been to see so many souls won to the Lord through the ministry, either through personal counseling or through door to door witnessing done on the weekend ministries. It has been one of the best ex­ periences of my life and 1pray that future WOL Collegians will go on with the same goal of glorifying the Lord through their music and being instruments used of God to bring many souls to Jesus Christ. Ann McCurdy

BACK ROW: Vossah Kwashigah, Nathan Terpstra, Ray Davis, Tim Benshoof, Wayne Cagle, Ed Hart. FRONT ROW: Walter Francis, Terry Bradley, David Richard, Dan Buchanan. No one really knew what to expect as we ap­ proached the gate for the first time, but as time went on everyone began to relax as we marveled at the great work that God was doing with these inmates. Through the lives of our brothers- behind-bars, God has shown us that when a per­ son places his/her life completely in the hands of the Lord, there is no circumstance in which he/she cannot live victoriously. God has done a great work in this ministry and will continue to do so long after we have gone. — Wayne Cagle

BACK ROW: Brent Carter, Stanley Ritche, Jose Montes, Marty Romine. Prison Ministry is a challenge. There are men in Prison without knowing anything of what’s going on, and these men are hungry for the Word. I praise God to be part of the Prison Ministry. Jose Monte

Clayton Coffin, David Emery, Ned Swiger, Bill Neller, Phil Germeroth, Pedro Echevarria, Jeff Farris, Lee Ar­ nold. FRONT ROW: Greg Hopwood, Paul Wulf, Michael Bresnahan, Gary Minton. Joel and 1thank God for the opportunity to hold a Sunday service in Spanish for the maximum security prison at Comstock, New York. It is our ministry to nelp organize and present a message to about 20-30 men. We thank God for a Chaplain who knows our Lord. It was his enthusiasm for the Lord and the men that opened the doors for this ministry. Due to our youth, many of the security officers were hesitant to fully ac­ cept our ministry. However, as the ministry produced a positive testimony their confidence was soon won. We struggled throughout the year in our dealing with the many incorrect doctrines that were in the prison; but the men were open and receptive to our teaching. Many were good testimonies to God’s grace. One of the thrills we experienced this year was when our assisting officer and nis family were saved at Snow Camp. What a victory for the ministry. Praise God for the many brothers who grew through i this service. Pray for them and that God will raise up new workers in next year’s class for this work to continue. — Greg Hopwood


Westerlo Church

Broadalbin Church

Thomas Sturzebecker, Lisa Strahan, Fiona Pretlove, Tina Gallo, Lyn- nell Block, Douglas Schweitzer Gasenvoort Church

Rebecca Rinehart, Daniel Knight, Carolyn Johnson. MISSINC Jenny Goforth. Chester Church

Bryant Woodard, Annie Francis, John Rich

The Local Church ministry provided me with the op­ portunity, during the year, to learn how to be a part of a local church. It was unique in that I learned how to teach Sunday School classes (to all ages), how to preach, how to witness and do follow-up work. It also helped me to understand more of what a pastor goes through. Above all though, it gave me a burden for my local church and a desire to help my pastor back home. I really thank the Lord for this program and for all He’s taught me through it. — Ross Bailey.

Dean Redding, Jeff Farris


Troy Church

Grapeville Church

Robert Domitrovic, Nita Waligroski, Denise Hoxie, Ross Bailey

Valerie Claire, Stephen Ebbrect. MISSING: Paul Crowe.

Clift Park Church

Centerwhite Church

Wayne Kirschner, Kimbra Huffman, Lori Whitaker, Jim Welch

Corinth Church

Lisa Holbrook, Shelby Cooper

Tim Scott, Andrea Blickenstaff, Dave Smith, Robin Thompson, Tim Hurd

BACK ROW: Mike Howard, Eric Notin, Doyle Markey, Carolyn MacBain, John Baird, Jim Moore, Earl Hawk, John Satterlee, Stuart Holloday, -l Sara Fanning, Sue Mitchell, Jim Alderman. SECOND ROW: Mike Bailey, Debbie Saussy, Matt Hundley, Sharon Konig, Jill Williams, Diane Holcomb, Darlene Dashiell, Diane Wahlstedt, Melanie Gardiner, Dorcas Baez, Chris Bosworth, Roberto Bautista. FRONT ROW: Julie Doty, Carol Buell, Debbie Gray, Cindy Bailes. The students who worked at Perth this year learned teamwork and a spirit of unity. At times we had questions about embarking on these ministries that were so new to us, but the things we experienced, we experienced together. Through banquets and flooded gyms, special services and all-nighters the love of God knit us together in the body of Christ. Our most important lessons were learned in the area of serving. Sometimes it was a lot of fun, and other times it was just hard work. Serving Christ has lots of ups and downs, but as His servants we need just to be faithful.

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S.Y.M. Perth

Community Bible

Neal Pawlowski, Rob Carpenter

Schylerville Church

Gary Fizzano Mountain Side Bible Chapel

Phil Graves, Tara Goheens, Dan Bellows

Mountain Chapel


Bruce Wagner

Brian Mahar, William Gunning



TRAVEL TEAM 1 BACK ROW: Ron Koehler, Dan Munger, Jimmy Barrs, Paul Calvert, Vic Haddad, Ken Moore, John Rowland. FRONT ROW: Debbie Anderson, Paget Keller, Bruce McNamee, Debbie Just, Carmen Diaz, Gary Smelser.

TRAVEL TEAM 2 BACK ROW: Mike Hawkins, Jason Pak, Jamie Bur- rys, Dan Bubar, Keith Johnson, Don Gallo. FRONT ROW: Robin Dill, Heidi Beal, Tonda Eldeen, Lois Ego, Beth Cline. NOT PICTURED: Carmen Diaz.



TRAVEL TEAM 3 BACK ROW: Roland Jeremiah, Jon Winningham, Peter Wallace, Wisdom Nkosi, Ron Veasey, Kevin Briggs, Jon Mollick. FRONT ROW: Tammy Ellis, Andrea Lindsley, Lillie Spoonhour, April Dennis.


BACK ROW: Cathy Germeroth, Jennifer Huff, Brenda Allen, Sheri Klinger, Christine DeLorme, Amy Harrington, Lisa Pierce. CENTER ROW: Lorna Bennett, Annette Parks, Melanie Ruby, Dawn Espenshade, Marsha DeWitte, Katrina Smith, Kathy Hawley, Sandy Schriver, Sandy Menard. FRONT ROW: Eddie Flynn, Dave Crago, John Stark, Hud McWilliams, Brian Rosenbaum, Pat Williams (Leader-Director).

Who are those students you see toting flannel boards, cartoon-style characters, review games and song sheets? They’re WOLB1 students going to Child Evangelism Fellowship Good News Clubs. Why? Because Mark 10:14 says: “Suffer the little children to come unto me.” Little children CAN and DO get saved through CEF. Some come from difficult home situations and the WOLBI CEFers are the only bit of Christ they see all week. Others already are saved, but grow through the discipling of the Good News Club and dedicate their lives to the Lord. Through songs, stories and games, the children learn about God’s love, mercy and salvation. They learn about consecration. They learn about missions. They also learn sophisticated and important messages on spiritual growth that are skillfully woven into a fabric of fun, challenge and excitement for today’s child. And the blessings for the WOLBI students? ... the look on the face of a 5-year-old after she’s asked Jesus to come into her heart and be HER savior; the enthusiasm of an 8-year-old who just rounded up three of his buddies to hear the salvation message because he just got saved and wants his friends saved, too; the kiss of a child because your club meant so much to her. Children are a heritage of the Lord, wrote the psalmist. And as the Lord added: It is not the will of your Father which is in heaven, that one of these little ones should perish. (MATT. 18:14)







Snow Word of Life Snow Camp was an unforgettable experience. For many of us, the experience that Paul records in 2 Corinthians 12:9-10 became a reality in our own lives, as all the late nights, rowdy campers, frenzied activities and demanding schedules brought us all, time and time again, to the place where we “ran dry” — physically, emotionally, and mentally. But it was there that we found the enabling grace of God, whose power is made perfect in our weakness. To us was given the joy of encouraging, of receiving encouragement and especially of seeing young peo­ ple giving their hearts to the Lord jesus Christ. It was when we heard those hyperactive and annoying campers (and didn’t it seem they were the only kind) testify to finding the Lord, that all the burdens and pressures of Snow Camp became worth it all. Many of us also learned the “blessings of the unseen servant” as we labored “behind the scenes” in all those not-so-glamorous assignments that no camper ever saw. but were just as necessary to camp as the mike-men and counselors. Of course, Snow Camp finally came to an end. (Didn’t you just hate it when that happened?) However, we must never forget the blessings and the lessons that we received from the Master Teacher during those days.

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BACK ROW: Karen Norton, John Savioli, Jonathan Kopf, Jim LaRose, Doug Aitken, Scott Murphy. FRONT ROW: Roberto Bautista, Sharor Konig, Marisa Mosley, Jill Williams, Suzanne Flowers, Tracy Camburn, Kim Greising. Energetic, Dedicated, and Challenging — These words describe the College Campus Outreach Team that goe: forth with the Gospel of Jesus Christ every Monday. They see the needs of college students looking for answer;! and finding none. The group consists of about fifteen students who volunteer their Mondays to talk and counse those on secular Universities. Many souls have been saved and numerous seeds planted. What a blessing to share the good news of Jesus Christ. Loving, Sharing, and Compassionate. Yes, these are the words to describe the Col lege Campus Outreach 1985-1986.

Student Council

A missionary of our century once said, “He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose.” We American Christians sit back and say, “Yes, what we need is that kind of com­ mitment.” Yet we consistently fail to back up our talk with our walk. God’s exhortations to New Testament Christians still apply in the 1980’s. Romans 12:1-2 promises that if we sub­ mit our bodies as living sacrifices to God, without conforming to the world’s system, God will reveal His will to us. If we heed the message in I Peter 1:16 to “Be ye holy, I am holy,” we will be clean vessels fit for the Lord’s service, regardless of our vocation. Christians who obey the challenge to live dedicated, holy lives will be a success in God’s eyes. May the Word of Life Bible Institute Class of 1986 accept that challenge. Jim Pearson, President

Paul Wulf, Beth Ann Dolan, Jim Pearson, Lois Lancey, Tim Morton, Phil Moser.

Dorm Representatives


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BOTTOM, L TO R: Dan Roessner, Robert Domitrovic, Jim LaRose, Kim Rineer, Lisa Rhoden, Deron Peterson. TOP, L TO R: James Banister, Matt Handley, Jim Miller, Jim Welch, Roger Gural, Paul Wulf.




Dorm Supervisors

BOTTOM, L TO R: Kent Robacker, Paul Wulf, John Clark, Peter Smith, Greg Hopwood, Terry Bradley. TOP, L TO R: Peter Hesser, Ross Bailey, Phil Moser, Bill Tawpash, Stu Brown, Jim Moore, Bud Chaney.

BOTTOM, L TO R: Sharon Crothers, Lori Francis, Carmen Beals, Susan Van Eaton, Karen Downing, Donna Gunn, Sue Mitchel, Carrie San- diford, Karen Bremer. TOP, L TO R: Maxine Dopkowski, Lisa Pierce, Kelly Bartlett, Leslie Poffenberger. 115


BOTTOM, L TO R: Brent Carter, Paul Kumar Veparala, Rachel Rajnoor, Beatriz Moraes, Sara Fanning, Cristina Vasconcelos, Mark Hatt, Roberto Bautista, Kwashigah Vossah, John Opiyo. TOP, L TO R: Sharlon Casilio, Sudhakar Rajnoor, Earle Hawk, Sergio Cariello, Chris Gnanakan, Stuart Holladay, Jean-Mark Desire, Michael Martens, Tim Busenitz, Dan Roessner.

When I came here I couldn’t understand anything because I only knew a little English. But the Lord started to work in my life through the people around me and through my experiences. Slowly, the little bit that I knew was multiplied by the grace of God. I truly know the meaning of Phil. 4:13, “I can do all things through Christ which strengthened me.” Cristina Vasconcelos — Brazil It is always difficult to be a foreign student, because you are so far from home. Also, you are in a totally new world where you need to communicate and study in English. One of the most difficult challenges for me was the winter quarter. One thing that we have learned is that if God has called us here, He will give us the strength to make it. Phil. 4:13 Sharlon Caslio

It is really our privilege to come over here for the Word of Life Bible Institute, to study the Word of God as a couple. When we go back to India, we will be serving the Lord. My wife will be helping me in the Lord’s service. I will be able to do more with her than I could alone. It is very hard for us to leave our children in India. But God has His plan and we will follow His will. Rom. 1:16 Sudhakar Rajnoor — India



BOTTOM, L TO R: Stephen Emmerson, Deron Peterson, Bill Tawpash. TOP, L TO R: Roger Gural, Geoff Carr, Ken Kirkwood, James Wright, Jeff Covel. W.O.L.B.I. SNOW CAMP BASKETBALL TEAM

FRONT ROW: Jim West, James Banister, Nate Terpstra, Gary Cooper. BACK ROW: Ken Ramey, Phil Moser, Bill Tawpash, Steve Dye.


FRONT ROW: Glenda Carter, Susan VanEaton, Michelle Gannon, Lynne Smith. BACK ROW: Karen Norton, Kelly Bartlett, Chris Cleveland.


FRONT ROW: Cyndy Moody, Suzanna Flowers, Penny Fichtner. BACK ROW: Karen Norton, Leslie Poffenberger, Chris Cleveland.

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FRONT ROW: Penny Fichtner, Debbie Schmidt, Jeannie Behnke. BACK ROW: Tia Eleutheriou, Kim Rineer, Lisa Rhoden. NOT PIC­ TURED: Melissa Grimm.



FRONT ROW: Paul Wulf, Tim Hurd, Tim Scott. BACK ROW: Bill Tawpash, Phil Moser, Dave Frazeur, Sharlon Casilio.


BOTTOM, L TO R: Terri Neiman, Jim Moore, Bud Chaney. MIDDLE, L TO R: Marianne Petteys, Teresa O’Connor, Lois Lancey, Suzanna Flowers, Mary Benjamin, Rachel Smith, Susan Van Eaton. TOP, L TO R: Dan Roessner, Tim Lefever, Helena VonSecken- dorff, Gary Cooper, Cyndy Moody, James Banister, Chris Cleveland, Jim Larose, Julie Doty, Jeff Apthorp, Ruth Ashcroft, Michael Marten, Brian Donley.


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New York City Open Air




The prayer bands this year were in operation for a number of different needs. The unsaved loved ones, the U.S. Military, and foreign countries were just a I few. With only six weeks left in the school year, all prayer bands began coming together one morning a week for a “world missions” prayer emphasis. Somewhere between forty and fifty students would make their way to the Snack Shack at 6:20 in the morning for a half hour of prayer, and a continental breakfast with good Christian fellowship (as good as fellowship can be at 6:20 in the morning!). A special thanks to those who gave of their time, and were faithful to the cause of prayer bands this year.



Unsaved Loved Ones


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