Who are those students you see toting flannel boards, cartoon-style characters, review games and song sheets? They’re WOLB1 students going to Child Evangelism Fellowship Good News Clubs. Why? Because Mark 10:14 says: “Suffer the little children to come unto me.” Little children CAN and DO get saved through CEF. Some come from difficult home situations and the WOLBI CEFers are the only bit of Christ they see all week. Others already are saved, but grow through the discipling of the Good News Club and dedicate their lives to the Lord. Through songs, stories and games, the children learn about God’s love, mercy and salvation. They learn about consecration. They learn about missions. They also learn sophisticated and important messages on spiritual growth that are skillfully woven into a fabric of fun, challenge and excitement for today’s child. And the blessings for the WOLBI students? ... the look on the face of a 5-year-old after she’s asked Jesus to come into her heart and be HER savior; the enthusiasm of an 8-year-old who just rounded up three of his buddies to hear the salvation message because he just got saved and wants his friends saved, too; the kiss of a child because your club meant so much to her. Children are a heritage of the Lord, wrote the psalmist. And as the Lord added: It is not the will of your Father which is in heaven, that one of these little ones should perish. (MATT. 18:14)
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