Word of Life Bible Institute Yearbook 1986

Snow Word of Life Snow Camp was an unforgettable experience. For many of us, the experience that Paul records in 2 Corinthians 12:9-10 became a reality in our own lives, as all the late nights, rowdy campers, frenzied activities and demanding schedules brought us all, time and time again, to the place where we “ran dry” — physically, emotionally, and mentally. But it was there that we found the enabling grace of God, whose power is made perfect in our weakness. To us was given the joy of encouraging, of receiving encouragement and especially of seeing young peo­ ple giving their hearts to the Lord jesus Christ. It was when we heard those hyperactive and annoying campers (and didn’t it seem they were the only kind) testify to finding the Lord, that all the burdens and pressures of Snow Camp became worth it all. Many of us also learned the “blessings of the unseen servant” as we labored “behind the scenes” in all those not-so-glamorous assignments that no camper ever saw. but were just as necessary to camp as the mike-men and counselors. Of course, Snow Camp finally came to an end. (Didn’t you just hate it when that happened?) However, we must never forget the blessings and the lessons that we received from the Master Teacher during those days.

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