Student Council
A missionary of our century once said, “He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose.” We American Christians sit back and say, “Yes, what we need is that kind of com mitment.” Yet we consistently fail to back up our talk with our walk. God’s exhortations to New Testament Christians still apply in the 1980’s. Romans 12:1-2 promises that if we sub mit our bodies as living sacrifices to God, without conforming to the world’s system, God will reveal His will to us. If we heed the message in I Peter 1:16 to “Be ye holy, I am holy,” we will be clean vessels fit for the Lord’s service, regardless of our vocation. Christians who obey the challenge to live dedicated, holy lives will be a success in God’s eyes. May the Word of Life Bible Institute Class of 1986 accept that challenge. Jim Pearson, President
Paul Wulf, Beth Ann Dolan, Jim Pearson, Lois Lancey, Tim Morton, Phil Moser.
Dorm Representatives
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BOTTOM, L TO R: Dan Roessner, Robert Domitrovic, Jim LaRose, Kim Rineer, Lisa Rhoden, Deron Peterson. TOP, L TO R: James Banister, Matt Handley, Jim Miller, Jim Welch, Roger Gural, Paul Wulf.
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