Word of Life Bible Institute Yearbook 1986

rry Bollback :e President

TO THE STUDENTS OF THE CLASS OF 1986: May I congratulate you on the accomplishment of finishing the courses that the Lord set before you this year. But as you go, may I challenge you to keep yourself free from anything that will enslave you. In Romans 6:12-18, Paul talks extensively about anything that would control and dominate your life as something that is your master, whether it be an attitude, action or thought. We, who know the Lord, should have the daily discipline of bringing all of our being into the obedience of the Lord Jesus Christ. Perhaps, one of Paul’s secrets was what we find in Philippians 3:13 where he says .. this one thing Ido.. .” Could I challenge you to be a young man or a young woman of “one thing?” Paul didn’t say “these various things I play around with,” but he had determination, and I would encourage you to look at 1987 and determine what is the one thing that He would like you to do for Him here on this earth. Then determine not to get involved in anything else that would distract you from this purpose of this goal. May God bless you as you go, and don’t forget to keep in touch with W.O.L.B.I. You are a part of the family. George Theis Daniel 1:8

George Theis Vice President


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