Word of Life Bible Institute Yearbook 1986

-V alentine’s B anquet Surely one of the most unforgettable ex­ periences of this school year was the Valen­ tine’s banquet, where the thoughts of every student were turned from earnest studying (ho, ho, ho) to the thoughts of those words, “Yes, I’d love to go to the banquet with you!” Some will never forget the embarrass­ ment of searching for a date at the last minute. Yet whatever their status (“at­ tached” or “stag”), every student greatly en­ joyed the good food and the entertainment (The Great Silent Movie). Phil Moser and Beth Ann Dolan touched all our hearts with their rendition of “Friends,” and Dr. Tony Evans amused and edified us with a message from the experiences of Adam and Eve.

But more importantly, we were reminded of the tremendous love that our God has shown towards us through the giving of His Son, and of our need to glorify Him by let­ ting His love flow through us in each and every of our relationships.

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