Word of Life Bible Institute Yearbook 1986

I praise God for the great work He did as we held this year’s W.O.L.B.I. Mis­ sions Conference. The ten mission representatives at our conference challenged many students with visions for serving God overseas and evangelistically. We were encouraged as we heard testimonies from Georgi Vince and his daughter, previously persecuted for their faith in Russia. Our fervent brother in the Lord, )oe Jordan, carried the tone of our missions con­ ference as the keynote speaker. We set our missions financial goal at $43,086.00 and exceeded it in faith promises totalling to $45,891.00. We are now asking God to help us fulfill our faith pledges as we realize the privilege we have in making this money available to needy mission boards. How fortunate we are to live in America because in comparison with other countries America is drenched with the gospel. There are over 100,000 full­ time Christian workers in the United States, but there are only 2,417 that minister to the Muslims, Hindus and Chinese, one half of the world’s popula­ tion. Truly the labourers are few. We praise God for the pledges and we know that God also wants to be Lord over our lives. The last night, at Jack Wyrtzen’s challenge, students commit­ ted themselves to take steps toward the mission field and to, Lord willing, become involved with missions in the future. The disciples of Jesus, by the Holy Spirit, transformed the lives of masses of people with a fervent zeal for carrying the Good News. When I think of the potential our student body has in penetrating the world with the gospel, it astounds me. I knowralso that God is concerned with the individuals of our student body, He is seeking commit­ ted servants who are denying their own lives to follow him, for “how will they know unless we go.”

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