A Student’s Prayer Now I lay my head to rest
I hope tomorrow I will pass my test. Bless my professors in a special way Help me Lord to make all A's. Bless my roommates, both fat and thin (I hope I remembered to sign in.) Give me strength where I seem to fail Help me Lord to get some mail. The hours of study they seem so long But where I’m weak is where You’re strong. Between the laughter, tears and fun Help me to remember you’ve only just begun. And as I live one day at a time Make me loving and Kind. Forgive me when I leave you out of mv plans And build my castles in the sand. Thank-you for all you’ve done for me Oh. it is my prayer that Iam what you want me to be. So as I walk from day to day, Lord give me the strength to go the right way.
Now that this day has come to an end Thank-you Lord for being my Friend. Today Will Tell If only I would realize that Today could be my last. Then maybe Iwould not so many idle moments cast Aside, without a second thought Then go my way. Maybe I would stop and think Before I do or say Something that is harmful or Could cause someone to fall. Many things, I’m sure, I wouldn’t Bother with at all That I now think are important. Oh, how foolish they would seem. I take my life so lightly As if it’s just a dream. But someday I’ll wake up to find That life on Earth is past. Will Istand there empty-nanded? Or have rewards to cast At the feet of Him who gave His life To save my soul from Hell? Do I love Him enough to live for Him? My life today will tell.
~ Mari Barker
Suzette Ramsey
Take My Heart Take My heart, Lord, Make it tender.
Pound upon it with thy Word. Work witn me until I’m willing To do all that I have heard. And when finally I am willing, Take my hand and lead the way. And I’ll follow as you guide me Step by step through every day.
Suzette Ramsey
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