Word of Life Bible Institute Yearbook 1991

TP .• Time

m •■ n any given weekend, 'walk up to ^ J the Welco'me Cejiter and you will finj^J^n Wale, Barb Iverson, and, Cindy BoMESj| ijiaking a mess of T h e’con-* . ference1 room akd. staring blankly at the computer^ Working on the .yearbook isn't the 'cushy" job it may seem to be. Hey, we have to clean up the mess ourselves. Many v. hours of creativity, continual writing, laugh- •ing and brainstorming w«rit into this year's Open Door. Try staBn^-at a computer * •screen for four hours and^ou'll understand . *. why Jen arid Barb walk around cross-eyed •* after jn affeibobn feeding alltthe informa- %' tion mtcj, the computer system, ClndvHs V wongl^rful. Sheas.our resident ' maker/ jnterjairtgr, and a^jst. I'm s o iT j^ ^ , H^nd runner too. We must aljfe^err- i tion -ou?* good ftends Mike Mefcarab^rid JasonDuSold who are always ready Knceep . us ^^&pan.y*and* k^eep us laughing whei\ ’ > rwe*re regl^o scream. Thathftee of us hacft* # %great tim^vith>this book* in putting it to- rm \ gethej; and thinking (^ideijs we think'you'll enjoy.' . ' •. , ,# r ' v p . -1-*BarbIverson.

Top Right: Gindy^ Jen and Barb at . their favorite place on campus! \ ' \ - ' •* i # > . * ' % Above:'Cooking at pictures is always , exciting for Cindy and Jen. V * •* • Middle Rights The threeywho matje -'this book possible lookii%*heir best with srLowball^H'hand. • * * Jem^Are you sure that's hoW*you do We used this round paperclip holder quite a bit throughout the book. But barb had a tough time seeing’fhrough the top .at *the pictures *ulTtil Jeh helped her out by removing tffe'top.* Thanks^Jen. No.probfem., Barb.

° 96 Organizations and Activities

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