Do rm
Representatives Dorm Representatives are cho sen by the residents of each dorm at the beginning of each year. The idea behind this position is to — obviously — represent the dorm. The Reps are intended to help choose the Student Council mem bers and then assist them through out the year. They are the the peo ple that are looked up to by their dorm-mates who chose them. They are a part of what makes things like banquets and weekend activities possible. The student body thanks the Dorm Reps who have lived up to their job description.
S. Snipes, D. Snyder, T. Corkrum, J. DuSold, E. Kelly, C. Robinson, L. Loiselle, T. Nelson, B. Lagford, S. Neill, T. Wagner, A. Nanlohy, L. Tiss, C. Trenery, D. Hunter, K. Krise, M. Curtis, S. Marrero, D. Roesel, A. Love, C. Pitts, M. Rutt.
Above: Jason DuSold demonstrates some fancy footwork.
Left: Denise Hunter just loves her job as Dorm Rep!
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