K oinonia is an SYM travel team which goes to churches in the northeastern states and Canada and ministers to youth through rallies and drama. It also has had a large min istry here on campus to WOLBI stu dents and snow campers. Koinonia is the name of our group (even though no one knows it) and it means friendship. It is our desire to have close fellowship with each other and the people we minister to. The idea for Koinonia came from seeing a dra- ma/singing team from Colombia Sem inary and the impact that they had. Koinonia is a non-profit organization which will continue next year and the years to come. — Tim Bouman
Koinonia is . . . Russ Gamer, Tim Bouman, Jill McGee, Tera Rodocker, Jen Fox, Kristen Hagenson. Not pictured: Joel Hoffman.
The many faces of Koinonia as they express themselves around campus.
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