Word of Life Bible Institute Yearbook 1991

Capital City Rescue Mission

I t's an old red brick building dwarfed by the parking garages gradually rising around it. It has a broken neon sign above the door that reads "Jesus Saves". On any given day or night, you are apt to find at least three or four unkempt men, and sometimes women, standing outside smoking ciga­ rettes. Inside, you are greeted with a free meal, a place to stay, and regular chapel services where these homeless people are taught the Word of God. The B.I. students who minister at the mission sleep on the floor in the Director's crowded office. They counsel one- on-one with these men. They hear story after story of broken homes, scarred lives, and days in Vietnam. Many of the men who seek refuge at this shelter are mentally ill, many are alchoholics, many are drug addicts. Jim and Ted had a challenging ministry there and many lives were touched by their work. I'm sure there are many men from that mission whose lives have changed as a result of these two who gave their weekends for the homeless of Albany.

Ted Spolowitz Not Pictured: Jim Fisher

Top: Derric Rushlow and Daron McAllister help out at the mission by painting win­ dows while on their SME ministry trip.

Above right: Just a peek into the res­ cue mission kitchen.

Left: The rescue mission dining hall — great meals for everyone!


S t r u t s

drag racing * pcAu^onfew*



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