I t's Friday afternoon, around 3:00. Buses have just started pulling in the campus entrance carrying hundreds of wild, excitable, screaming teenagers to Word of Life Snow Camp. Coun selors are sitting nervously in the Snak Shak, waiting for their share of the howling hordes. Many others are tak ing naps — resting up for a grueling night on the tube run, in the Snak Shak, or washing floors after every one's in bed. The mike-men are frantically thinking up great ideas for tonight's skits, and everyone is praying that God will use what happens this weekend to bring kids to Christ. Finally, the weekend ends and we all collapse — until next time.
Top center: Campers participate in one of the more disgusting challenges of the week end — Frog-Nog!!! Top: A challenge requiring considerable skill and concentration — the egg drop!!
Above: The Snow Camp Snak Shak girls are ready to take your order!
Right: God Bless the USA!!!
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