Word of Life Bible Institute Yearbook 1989

n trials and tribulations come into our liv ft to try to take the situation into our of# I itself and tells us that does not work. We We have had a great year at WOLBI. Spiritually we have had a great hifSpifbut now many of us from the class of ’89 will be parting in different direction^Some of us will go on to further our education while others will get jobs, ge^married, and set up a home. Whatever wepdP. we need to remain faithful tqjfie Lord and to His service. Many times w turn from God perience spe trust in the Lbrd. He will always be faithful to us promises. Paul reali these promi sufficient for hH weakness. (II Coif 12:9) Paul r to the gospel, and at the end of his life, “Ihave f he claim fight, I have finishecT^^^^^^I have kept the faith.” (II Tim. 4:7, sense of accomplishment being able to truly say this with all our h reach the end of oUr lives. May this be the prayer and goal of each who come behind us, FIND US FAITHFUL! it is so easy to n hands, but ex- e need to keep our He will keep all His such asLGod’s grace was ained faithful to the L To the class of ’89 from the yearbook staJMpfter many long days and countless hours we have completed your yearbooksAJ1things considered we are rather pleased with how it turned out and by the !|memat you’re done reading it, we hope you feel the same. We did our best to pufe^ybryone in somewhere but knowing we failed we apologize to any one that maljlBmrt. We would like to thank everyone that gave us pictures and prayed fo^^^»specially those who cut their vacation short so that it might get done — thanks Bobby D. and Eric THkTaylor Publishing What a

ammy Shan K.) We would like to give special thanks to Amy Divi Company Representa^^^g^g^ai^help and ded s for giving up ansit “88” for m re, and God Bless!!

to us; to Kevin ours of their free phic designs.

r Staff



Layout and Design Layout and Design

chards — Typist

Photographer , i 4 ' •" aldez — mith — Photographer tie McGuire — Photographer

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