Word of Life Bible Institute Yearbook 1989

This page, left: Yes, Operator, I’m standing on my head, but I’m still getting a bad connection. (Shane Valdez) Right: Duane tries to get a different view on life, with a little help from his friends. (John Goss, Matt Scott and Duane McDowell) Opposite page, top left: Will the real dummy please stand up? (Tom McFetters and Sal Sgroi) Right: Yes, I am doing my quiet time. (Li-Hong Chen) Bottom left: Who is YOUR Mary Kay agent? (Tammy Thom­ as and Stephanie Fowlkes)

Patricia Moores Stephanie Moyer Jodie Mullins Linda Norton John Oliff

Kim Overholt Kevin Pierce Dawna Purvis Tracy Reffeor Denise Rhoads


Dave Richard Karen Rock Annamarle Saeli John Scott Matthew Scott

60 Students

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