This page, left: Hey you, with the face . . . (Ron Huffmier) Right: Don’t look now, Kathi, but there’s something scary behind you. (Dave Cornette, Kathi Chapman, Joe Furbert) Opposite page: Don’t like the hairnet, huh? How would you like a wet wash cloth in the face? (Lynnea Patz)
Rick Turner Karen Wallace Tina Whetsell Michelle Wiant Ellen Wolthuis
Front: T. Vanatti, T. Hafke, K. Chapman, K. Andrews, M. Wever, D. Goodreau. Middle: P. Kim, R. Herbert, D. Nugent, D. Hunt, P. Car penter, J. Page, D. Smith. Back: B. Turpin, W. Zapotoczny, M. Wawrzyniak, D. Sca- harzewski.
64 Students
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