Word of Life Bible Institute Yearbook 1989

A A lessdBxin eti­ quette . ( “ Hear no evil, speak-mo evil, pick no evil?!?” (James Bahre, Scott Mills, and Chuck Deinum) Calling for a\date? What’s \the-mmnber again? (Mairk) ►\ /

A Council Han? Follow^us. that's where^w^e/going. (Faith Vinal, JamesCruz< Danielle Pearson) Discovering WOLBI. Exploring the campus with a new friend on a beautiful fall day. (Jennifer Carr, Susan Barrett) ► Giggling about girls. “Don't look now, Brently, but, I think they're looking at us!” (Brent Helwfg, Nick Turnball) ▼

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