Letting go and letting God is the only way to survive Word of Life Snow Camp. Most of us never realized that we were rubber bands that God was stretching and stretching and stretching until we thought we would break. From the time we received our campers on Friday af ternoon until Sunday afternoon depar ture we were clay in the potter’s hands. The greatest joy of snow camp was knowing that God was using us as in struments to work in the lives of young people which resulted in numerous de cisions of salvation and dedication each weekend. Whether you worked in counseling, snak shak, dishpit, or program, the words to sum it up are tested, tried, and tri umphant (most of the time). Remember: this is just a taste of what we will be doing this summer.
This page, top: A Saturday night rally in council hall. Above: Desperados of Snow Camp (John Bubar, Kenny Strand, Chris Greene). Bottom: The best place to go at Snow Camp. Opposite page, top left: The Slam Dunk Contest. Top right: Double dutch keeps John Tice hopping. Bottom left: Harry and Jack bring Snow Camp rallies alive. Bottom right: The bleacher creatures!
92 Snow Camp
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