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CHRISTOPHER SMITH christopher.smith@eap.on.ca
j/PVTBWPOTGBJUVOQFVEFSBUUSBQBHF et remis les médailles aux pompiers à qui cela était dû, a déclaré Mario Villeneuve, chef QPNQJFSEF-B/BUJPO/PVTOFMFTBWJPOT pas reconnus adéquatement, c›est pourquoi nous avons organisé cela le 11 décembre. » Les pompiers dévoués qui ont servi pendant 20 ans sont Étienne Levac, Serge Richer, Gabriel Lalonde et Sébastien Forget. (VJMMBVNF/PSNBOE .JLF4IFSJEBO %BOJFM Voisine et Serge Bougie ont quant à eux servi pendant 30 ans. Chaque personne a reçu une médaille symbolisant son temps de service. St-Jacques Road was closed for the safety of emergency responders as the scene was close to the road, according to OPP media relations officer Sergeant Shaun Cameron. Route 400 remained closed for several hours and reopened around 4:30 p.m. United Counties of Prescott and Russell FNFSHFODZTFSWJDFTDPOàSNFEBO03/(& helicopter was deployed and assisted para- medics at the scene, but would not provide further details “due to the medical nature of the call.” OPP confirmed the air ambulance was used to transport the body away from the scene. The body is being examined by a coroner. He was also charged with possession of proceeds of property obtained by crime under $5,000. Officers seized suspected cocaine, speed pills, crack, hydromorphone pills, drug para- phernalia, and various items related to drug trafficking, all with an approximate value of over $60,000, as well as a large amount of DBTIBOEB'PSE#SPODP/POFXMFBET arose due to the investigation, but according to OPP Media Relations Officer Bill Dickson, that doesn’t mean there aren’t more leads to be found. i8FLOPXUIBUMBSHFTDBMFESVHEFBMFST are working with people in the smaller DPNNVOJUJFT8FMMàOEQFPQMFGSPNUIF Toronto area bringing drugs into some of the communities farther north,” Dickson TBJEi8IFUIFSJUTQFPQMFGSPNUIFMBSHFS communities bringing it in or people impor- ting from Toronto, it ends up in our smaller communities. Drug use knows no boundaries when it comes to municipalities.” The OPP stated the delayed announce- ment of the chargers was due to an admi- nistrative error.
Four drug traffickers arrested in Rockland last year have been charged. The Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) have just recently sent out a press release that slipped through the cracks regarding a drug bust in Rockland that happened back on May 31, 2023. Three different residences in Rockland were searched as part of a drug trafficking investigation, and as a result, four individuals were arrested and charged. Mar Bergeron, 51, from Rockland was charged with possession of methamphe- tamine and cocaine, for the purpose of trafficking. Fanny Menard, 30, from Rockland was charged with possession of methamphe- tamine, cocaine, and opioids other than heroine for the purpose of trafficking. &SJD.FSDJFS GSPN3PDLMBOEXBTDIBS - ged with trafficking cocaine, possession of stolen property under $5,000, two counts of possession of methamphetamine, three counts of possession of cocaine, and one count of possession of opioids other than
La PPO a saisi de grandes quantités de diverses drogues que les quatre personnes avaient l’intention de vendre. (photo fournie par la PPO) heroin for the purpose of trafficking. Finally Luc Viau, 60, from Rockland was RECONNAISSANCE POUR LES POMPIERS DÉVOUÉS DE LA NATION charged with possession of cocaine and other drugs for the purpose of trafficking.
GABRIELLE VINETTE gabrielle.vinette@eap.on.ca
La Nation a organisé une célébration pour exprimer sa gratitude envers les pompiers qui ont pris leur retraite du service des incendies de la municipa- lité de La Nation depuis le début de la pandémie. Depuis 2020, plusieurs pompiers ont pris leur retraite pour diverses raisons. Le EÊDFNCSF -B/BUJPOBPSHBOJTÊ une petite cérémonie afin d’honorer ces pompiers désormais retraités.
The Nation expresses its gratitude to the retired firefighters who served 20 and 30 years in the municipality. (La municipalité de La Nation, Facebook)
GABRIELLE VINETTE gabrielle.vinette@eap.on.ca
Police and paramedics were called to the scene of a fatal accident at a pri- vate residence Sunday morning, January 14, to a private residence in Embrun, requiring the assistance of an ORNGE air ambulance after a tree fell on an individual. Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) were called at 9:15 a.m. on Sunday, arriving at the scene on Route 400 between Ste-Marie Street and St-Jacques Road around 9:19 a.m. &BSMZ SFQPSUJOH JOEJDBUFT B NBO XBT
La Police provinciale de l’Ontario, les services médicaux d’urgence, l’ambulance aérienne ORNGE et les pompiers ont été appelés dimanche matin pour une urgence médicale. 45 minutes après leur arrivée sur les lieux, la personne a été déclarée morte. (Jaimis Houle, Facebook)
cutting down trees on the property when one fell on him. Another individual present at the scene attempted to perform CPR and first aid but was unsuccessful in reviving the
individual. The person was declared dead at 10 a.m., 45 minutes after emergency services arrived. Route 400, from Ste-Marie Street to
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