Word of Life Bible Institute Yearbook 2005

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s wmcn are “We look not at the thin seen, but at the things which are not seen: ror e i ngs wmcn are seen

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are tempora I, but th e not seen are eternal.” Th is is our Perspective...

vith a open mind or a I itres it could bring;.

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'Ke.W ^ork. Csfarnyus 4Z00 tylenctyUe pc(., pottersVille, Ifej IZS’tO

(PIS’) 474 47Z?

T lo rifa ZecmyuS 1?001 W or<{ of L ife Pr., Hudson, PL P4U 7 (7Z7) KP7 774L

Website www.wolbi.net

Volume ?? Totfrll Enrollment P77 president Pr. JoeJorflfcn Vice president pic Cfd-rl^ntl pounders Jfctk. W urtzen wn([ Pr^rrvj Pollbfrck


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IJaV<s you eMer stopped to loot, around and take in all that you seeP C\od has created the most amazing and beautiful things. Every­ thing Was created by J-lim for a purpose and they all reflect -Uis beauty, tie has created us in iJis eWn image; therefore. We are set apart frem all the rest of creatien. iJeW can We look at ethers and say that We are different? Of course We may seem different on the eutside but We were a LI created for the same purpese. Cfod shapes us inte Vessels that bring Calory to -Uis name. W/e cannet just look at ethers fer what they are new because Cfod can change semeene in a matter ef seconds. Oh hew great the WerLd ceuld be if we weuld just see peeple fer what they ceuld beceme in Christ Jesus eur Lerd. \Verd ef Life gives students an eppertunity te gain a heaVenLy perspective and te see peeple they way Cfod sees them.

The beauty at Schreen Lake is anything less than breath taking, students are eften able t o see Cfed paint the sky with brilliant celers at sunset

Athletics at W/0L&I extend further than games and practice; they reach inte the hearts ef the \\/<2L£>l athletes se they can reach eut te the eppesing teams. The L]U>f)klY ladies seccer team gained a new perspective this year playing fer different reasens!

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students frem aLL ever the Werld ceme te the \Verd ef Life bible Institute, each brining different talents and abilities. These students are taking time eut o\ their busy scheduLe te harmenize and Vecalize their talents fer the U7R.P:

CK ancellor^s Address

Dr. Joe Jordan Was saved on Word of Life Island when he Was a teenager. After establishing Word of Life in Argentina, he returned to the United States to become the Executive Director of Word of Life Fellowship, Inc..

We live in a society af ema- tianal extremes —fram an­ ger an the part af same ta Lethargy an the part af ath- ers. (fad's message ta us as Christians is that we wauLd please Llim in everything We da. Paul urged the immature believers at Carinth ta "be ye steadfast, unmaVable, al­ ways abaunding in the Wark af the Lard." (I Car. 15:53) In an aften upside daWn Warld. (fad Wants us ta shine by aur steadfastness and gentle firmness - never ruled by aur erratic ema- tians. This cames anly by aur facused. Willingly surren­ dered abedience ta the cam- mands af aur 5aViar. In a Warld filled with furar and rage, (fad Wants us ta be na- ticed by aur happy, stead­ fast demeanar in everything We da. Certainly this Will please the Lard!

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Every Tuesday night \\/£?Lbl students gather in the J\Vfc fer Prayer bands, dividing in greups the student coder the werld With prayer. These five guys are committed te pray fer the countries ef A>euth America.

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tlarry centinues te encourage the young students teday to C^O and share. Think abeut it if We dent go then what Will We have to shew? Dr. Jee Jerdan. the present Executive Director is captured here deing what he dees best sharing his heart with a greup ef yeung people. E>y simply Listening te his Words one can truly grasp his heart beat




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The minute you stepped onto the Word of Life £>ible Institute campus, you became familiar with the infamous names of Jack Wyrtzen, Llarry Ebollback. Cfeorge Theis. and Joe Jordan. These names have become synonymous with hard work. dedication, evangelism, and the miraculous Works of Cfod. Ebut these great men are mere than just names. Their Lives are extraordinary examples of hew te Live yeur Life sold eut fer Jesus Christ. Their ministry has evolved into ene ef the greatest Christian organizations World-Wide. The sun never sets on Word of Life”. And it all started with one man’s desire to share the Cfospe L. Jack \\/yrtzen established Word of Life in I94C. and began to conduct Weekly radio broadcasts in New York City. This quickLy progressed to youth rallies, where many young people Were led to Christ. In 1946. Word of Life Island Was bought for a mere i>23.000 and thus began Word of Life’s ministry in t>chroon Lake. New York. Curing this time. JJarry &oLLback was introduced to the evangelistic outreach of Word of Life, at first by playing the piano for Jack’s street meetings in New York City. Then, in 195(9. jJarry and -UaroLd Reimer went to the jungles of EbraziL to work With the Indian inhabitants of the Land who had never heard the Cfospe L before. Cfeorge Theis joined them there, and Later Went to Recife. EbraziL. to start another Word of Life camp in that area. Cfeorge Was also instrumental in the starting the first Word of Life CLub. in Lakeland. Florida. jJe returned from EbraziL to become the second director of Word of Life fellowship, after Jack Wyrtzen handed down the reigns. Lastly, our current President is Joe Jordan, a man who. Like many of us. dedicated his Life to the Lord Jesus Christ on Word of Life IsLand. jJe Later Went on to serve the Lord, starting Word of Life in the mission field of Argentina, and stiLl to this day continually preaches the Word of (fed. W/hile these men are some ef the gedliest individuals you can ever read about, they are not atone. Their perspectives helped them to see the werLd as Lest Witheut Christ. They recegnized that they might be the enLy EbibLes that seme people may ever see. as sheuld yeu. \Vhether yeur missien fieLd is Argentina. EbraziL. New Yerk City, or even Cichreen Lake; whether yeur eccupatien is that ef a business man. paster, er even just a student, the peint is that yeu. tee. can make a difference, and it starts by UCLDIN^ T-LlEL \VCRD O f L l fP

Cfeerge Theis began his ministry With \Verd ef Life as the athLetic directer ef the \Vt?L IsLand. then meVed en te starting the &ibLe club ministry in plerida. After several years in flerida he Went te Recife. &raziL te direct the \Verd ef Life Ministry there.

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fLeep or\ keeping on" is one of Dr. Charles f. -Ccheide’s fa- Verite expressions. £>ible Institute students in NY, fL and all around the World ha\/e heard that ph rase many times and know that the man

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who repeats it practices what he preaches.

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for over 25 years. Pr. Pcheide has taught at the \Vord of Life EbibLe Institute - first as adjunct faculty, and for the Last 6 years as a fuLL time professor of Theology. -Ue also teaches Pastoral LpistLes and Lcclesiology. as well as other 3ibLe books, tie and his Wife have a great Love for students, tlis wife. Joanna. Works With a Ladies’ Trio, and together minister at Various churches on Weekends. tjrs. Pcheide is often seen pLaying the piano and she encourages the Women students and staff by being a godly example of the type of Woman in Proverbs 31. Pr. C>cheide is the campus pastor and has an open door policy to students and staff alike. tie spends much of his time counseling and encouraging others With the wisdom that Qod has given him. tlis generosity and compassion is an example to all. but his LoVe for the \Vord of £Jod L what makes him respected and honored by aLL who know him.

Pr. Sch&ife WM horn in 'Hj frnc( cdme. tv 'k.nvw £/ve Lvr<( m Sdi/ivr in /? 4 £.

Pr. Pcheide is down to compassionate but he is not afraid to face the difficult subjects in today’s society. boldLy holding up Coed's Word earth and regard Less of the standard of political correctness. You can see his undying passion for students to grow in Christ. -Ue challenges students to seek abandoned faith. and to present everything they have back to the Savior for klis use. 3ut in this abandonment. Pr. Pcheide warns against the ecumenical mentality that so many Christians fa ll into today. -Ue urges students to search out the scriptures and not simpLy to rely On pastors and commentaries, tie urges us to aLLoW the Word of Cfod to form our theology instead of trying to twist it into our own presuppositions. We shouLd all be peopLe of the Ebook

Pr. Pc heide married Joanna Ctavin on Pept. I. 1962 , and they have three children and one grandchild.

6 Dedication n

In a ll of the churches where Dr.t)c heide ministered. mis­ sions Was a high priority and the missionary outreach of each church increased. Lie has touched the Lives of LiteraLLy thousands With his preaching and teaching ministry aLL around the World. Perhaps the Love of missions clearly seen in his Life is why Dr. J)cheide be­ came so close and dear to the founders of \Vord of Life. Dr. t>c heide is seen here with Jack \Vyrtzen (Left) and with Joe Jordan (below).


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Dr 3cheide Went to Philadelphia Col­ lege of Edible (now Philadelphia 5ibli- caL University) to become a paster. Je received his 5acheLor of Science in Edible in I 96 J. Je Later went on to receive a Poctor of Ministry degree in 1983 from \Vestern Conservative bap­ tist Seminary (Portland.

Dr. 3cheide became pastor of Perth Edible church in Perth. NY in 1965. The church grew under his ministry from 33 members to 73 0 in 15 years. The church and the community was sad to lose a true spokesman for Cfod.

[dedication 7


In the summer Ebible Institute students have the ability te Werk at either the \\/erd ef Life family Campgreund, the Stanch, specializing in yeunger children, the IsLand knewn as “the Peck’’, fecusing en teens, er the Inn. which heLds Week Leng cenferences fer adults and families. Alse, during the Leng and bitter Winter menths the campus is turned inte a Winter playgreund. The entire student bedy Werks tegether fer the sake ef the several hundred teenagers that attend Weekly fer eight Weekends ef wild and crazy SneW Lamp. It truLy is amazing hew (fed can lead se many individuals te ene place, fer ene purpese. fer flis (fiery. It’s ne mistake that We all ended up here, te share in the reaping ef a seed that never seems te quit grewing. As Narry Sellback Likes te say, The sun never sets en W/^rd o\ Life.”

PettersViLLeP Is that even on the mapP Although, it may be hard te find en an everyday atlas, PettersViLLe. Was en (fed’s read map and in -Uis Plans all aleng. In 19 ^ 6 , ju st nine miles nerth frem the new existing EbibLe Institute campus, the first ef W/erd ef Life preperties Was beught, \\/erd ef Life IsLand. L>ince then \\/erd ef Life preperty has expleded werldwide, including the start ef the New Yerk Ebible Institute in PettersViLLe in I97<7 Since the start ef the Ebible Institute theusands have ceme and gene, Leaving With a great knewLedge ef (fed’s W/erd, and amazing new life values and principles taught by net enly the giants in faith that Lecture us in the classreem setting, but alse by the caring staff and facuLty. The eppertunities that the Adirendack K/jeuntains previde have given a unique ministry eppertunity unlike any ether Ebible Institute te the students.

The Jack W/yrtzen Center is the newest addition to our campus as of 2.00A. This B>uiLding is marked with the memery of founder Jack Wyrtzen and is a testimony to the werk dene areund the WerLd by Word of Life. -Uere first year students have the privilege ef sitting under seme ef the mest amazing men in Clod's service in a classroom setting.

\\/eLceme Center

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1. T o ur nese nair freezes Within seconds of being out­ side. 2. Every ether Werd is preceded With the excLamatien "YEAU ( insert Werd)!" 3. Yeu have te drive a half an heur te de anything. A. Y<?ur idea ef fine dining is Pizza frem N/lebil. 5. Yeu think a night eut consists ef sitting in yeur car hunched ever a laptep. 6. Yeu ge te the dining haLL and say, “Wait, didn’t I have this yesterdayP’ 7- It’s Saturday and yeu’re still Wendering when the Weekend is ceming. 8. Yeu talk te a girL in the snack shack fer 2.0 minutes, and suddenLy eVeryene co ngratulates yeu en yeur engagement. 9- The JJappy 3irthday seng became a three mevement renditien. 1 0. You ge te the Jack \Vrytzen Center te take a



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The 3tuart Page Administratien 3uilding is ene ef the mest used buildings en the New Yerk campus. Upstairs yeu wiLL find, R.ic (garland, the Dean Ctaff. and eur Resident Prefessers. Dewnstairs the mail reem keeps aLL the students up te date en the weekly happenings, and the laundry facilities helps keep all students Leeking fresh!

bright sunshine. Warm breezes, beautiful flewers, and graceful paLm trees are part ef the scenery en the campus of W/erd of Life bible Institute FLerida Lxtensien! It all started in 1997 with 75 students. Cince then, ever QOO students have ceme te learn (fed's \Verd and grew in their Walk with the Lerd. The campus has changed dramatically in these 8 years! They have added a new 5 00 seat classreem building, the (feerge Theis Assembly Center and expanded the Lehmann Ctrauss Library. Plans are in hand te add twe new dermiteries in the near future. There are many ways te get inVeLved in sperts en the flerida Campus. C>perts facilities include basketball VelleybaLL and tennis ceurts, an CLympic sized swimming peeL a seccer field, skate park, Lew repes ceurse, paint baLL ceurse. climbing teWer, a geLf driving range, and a Waterside. The \Verd ef Life Cenference Center is anether area where students Werk in heusekeeping or feed service fer eur guests. The Cenference Center buildings have a beautiful view everleeking a smaLL Lake. It has 75 reems fer cenference guests and serves hundreds ef meals each year.

Cights 8 Ceunds ef Christmas” and 'The Passien PLay." Cellegians frem beth the NY campus and fL campus unite te perferm en stage and present the (fespel te the many whe attend these preductiens. Cince this ministry started in fTerida, We have seen ever 19 0.000 guests attend these preductiens and ever A,000 salvatien decisiens! he tlarry Shellback Performing Arts Cenier is a 125(9 seat auditorium where Coapel Productions present ‘The

I . Cfuys Dorms 2 . The 3iblc Institute Commons is the lo­ cation of the Pining room. Library and a number of the Peans’ 6taff. 'Tom's Perch” is a recent addition to the Lemmens which provides eutdeer seating far meals. 3. This year we have added a “snack shak“ area in the Lanai by the peeL This is a great place te hang eut. have yummy snacks and play table games, ping peng. or try beating K/]r. IngerseLL in a game of pool. A. Cfal's Perms



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1. Yeu think that frest en the greund is a heavy snew.

2. Yeur faVerite pastime is alligator chasing.

3. Yeu WaLk intc? the cemmens and the temperature gees up 80 degrees.

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A. Yeu smell nething but bug repellant en the Way te class.

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5. kj’irls in skirts ride their Leng beards te class.

6. Yeu think that yellew snew is the slushy ef the day.

7. Yeu skim beard en the VelleybaLL ceurt.

8. Yeur scheel bird is the WCLEbl chicken (Sandhill Crane).

9- Walking in circles takes en a wheLe new meaning.

The Cfe^rge Theis Assembly Center Was built fer the purpose ef a much needed classreem fer the pTerida students. This building is a great asset te the campus, and Was dedicated in hener ef the former Werd ef Life Director. Cfeerge Theis.

1C. The biggest meuntain yeu see is Meunt Ziemer.


F lorida

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Yutaro l^obaLjahij Osaka, Japan. (frewing up in the fast paced Werld ef Japan. Yetare IdYbayashi never knew abeut Jesus Christ and the LeVe Lie came te effer the Werld. It Wasn't until

junier high that his aunt, a new Christian began tell­ ing him the geed news ef the (fespel. Yetare Wasn’t sure hew he felt abeut Christian teachings, yet he ceuldn't step thinking abeut hew big and pewerful this (fed must be. tJe ceuldn't imagine (fed; he Was tee big. tee abstract, ilewever, in time Yetare began te ask mere questiens, and with the answers he started te see the effect that Christ had en ethers and he Wanted te experience that as Well. -Ue began te see that Chris­ tianity Wasn’t giving up Life but gaining an abundant

Life. Then when Yutare turned l6 years eLd his aunt shewed him a videe ef \Verd ef Life 5ummer Camp, tie theught that geing te the camp Weuld be a geed eppertunity te Learn mere abeut the American cuLture and the [English Language. After Watching the staff at the camp his whele perspective abeut

(fed and Christianity tetally changed, tie finally beLieVed that there ceuld be semeene as great as (fed. The Japanese staff at the camp teek time teaching Yutare hew he ceuld make (fed the persenal SaVier ef tlis Life. That Week Yutare did just that, and ever since then his Life as shewn a big difference. Of ceurse he had struggles, ene being te cempletely surrender his Life ever te Christ te accempLish tlis glery. tie knew in erder te de that he had te Let ge ef his plans ef geing te a prestigieus ceLLege in Japan and ge after what (fed Wanted. Lven theugh Yutare had Limited knewledge ef the Ebible, and altheugh he had streng eppesitien frem his parents he centinued his efferts te Learn mere and persisted te find a Way te church. I Wanted te ceme te the Ebl te mature in my faith and so that I Weuld ne Lenger be a half and half Christian." Yutare is seeking after what (fed wants fer his Life, and is alse Werking te be a Living testimeny te his parents.

£>o Mee Al™ lOjotOj Japan

Eweryene whe meets Ebe N/|ee, LeVes her. -Uer quick smile, sweet spirit and unique persenaLity are just a few ef the things that make her Ebe K/jee. Living halfway acress the Werld. Ebe f\/|ee traveled te W/CL&I frem her heme in Japan where her parents are statiened as missionaries. ALtheugh she has always been under the influence ef a Christian family, B>e tree's persenal walk With (fed did net take eff until Later, “I always Wanted a geed reLatienship With people, but never really werried abeut my persenal reLatienship With (fed" \\/hen Ebe \J\ees father made the decisien te reLecate his famiLy frem their heme in klerea te the missien field in Japan, the transitien preVed hard fer Ebe N/|ee. "There Were so I many pressures because I Was so different. I Was Idlerean, but I Was alse a Chris-

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3 & C0fW\0r tian. |f | ever made a mistake, I shamed my aLW3y5 fn?m C\Od..’’ ^ m a m e bcceme fake." This fakery blinded her te the need fer Christ in her ewn Life. It Wasn’t until age 18 that £>e N/|ee’s pride faded and she finaLLy reaLized her need te step Living en her parents faith, and make it persenal fer herself. Ebe N/|ee new Wants te use her previeus situatiens fer (feds glery. -Uer heart gees eut tewards the missienary kids whe experience the pressures ef censtant change, simple LifestyLes and never quite fitting inte the surreunding areund them. She hepes te centinue her educatien back in iderea after her year at the Ebl, and teach ELngLish te high scheel students. In everything she acknewledges the cemfert ef the Lerd that has carried her thus far.

famiLy and myself in twe Ways.

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Liz ^torman

New (jloucestcr, Ma|ne CoVoSS\2if\S 3 :1 -4 Leeking back ever the past few years, Elizabeth German states With cenfidence, "LleW (fed Werks is amazing! \Vitheut Llim I den’t knew where I Weuld be. ” This grace ef Ljed Was self-evident in Liz’s Life as she speke ef the struggles threugheut her highscheel years and inte her first year at the Ebl. "I shut (fed eut and turned te ether things and peepLe instead.” Eventually, (fed began te heal the years ef self inflicted scars and pain, intreducing Liz te -Uis perfect LeVe. In the Spring ef 2 OOA she dedicated her Life te the Lerd during W/erd ef Life’s preductien ef ThePassien” New Llizabeth is busy en campus Werking in the cestume department and serving With the Adirendack LLub Ministries, burdened fer the censtant changing

pressures in seciety, and en the Wemen areund her, her passien is fer Wemen te grasp the necessity

ef purity in every area ef their Lives. "It’s always the Little things that Lead te semething big.” Liz centinues te Live daily in the challenge te step eut ef her Werld ef cemfert and ultimately let ge, Walking in the pLans that (fed has set eut fer her. And threugh it all she attributes everything in her Life te the grace and peWer ef her A>aVier, "-Lie's the ene that keeps us alive frem day te day.”

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ITxograpmes 13

Opening ^



Trov^ where They Wesew whe-rp&vc^ ’fcrouafvt The-fn- __ Tabitha Jj ooASchroon Lake, NlY. USA Che's your average \\/CLEbl student - plays basketball and seccer, has a LeVe fer these new caramel filled iJershey kisses and has a LeVe fer Ceel jJand Luke. Yet it’s her sincerity and ebvieus passien fer Christ that make her a diamend in the reugh. Tabitha grew up areund \Verd ef Life, her parents ministering in beth Tealmas, i-Jun- gry and Czech, France With W/.C.L f\/|issiens. "I’ve been blessed by grewing up in a family where my parents Were fecused on ministry.” says Tabitha. Cuch fecus has transferred inte Tabitha’s eWn Life, her heart saddened ever these in the Werld areund her. ELventualLy she hepes te Venture inte eVerseas missiens after attending a few mere years ef scheeLing. It is ebvieus that the race isn’t ever fer Tabitha, and even mere apparent that she hasn’t given up striving

fer the higher geal. Recently her desire is te be truly breken by the Lerd. “There are se many Little things I’Ve dene en the eutside. but semewhere aleng the Way I’ve fergetten the heart, tier prayer is that dfed WiLL centinuaLLy break her ever her sin and inability te de any­ thing eutside the grace ef her CaVier. In essence, she cheeses rejectien ef selfishness and pride fer the sake ef Christ. Ceming te such a pLace has been a jeurney. N/jest

ef her high scheel years Tabitha struggled with apa­ thetic Christianity; censumed With selfishness that pLagues se much ef eur generatien. Christians need a greater passion for seuls,” she stated. That Was seme- thing I defmantely didn't have in high scheel.” It Wasn’t until a summer in Czeck France that Tabitha caught the true need fer revival in yeuth. Cince then she has been dedicated te seeing the needs ef these areund her. in so many Ways, seeing them threugh the eyes ef Christ.

New N/|iLfard. Pennsylvania

Tyler ColV\ns

One night when TyLer Was 5 his dad came inte his reem and shared the gespeL With him. jJe reaLLy started thinking a Let abeut (fed and had guestiens abeut Christianity. Lie asked his dad the next night abeut Jesus Christ and what it meant te be Christian. That night he realized what Christ had dene fer him and he Wanted te give his Life te the Lerd. tie asked (fed te fergive him ef his sins and then trusted the Lerd as his saVier. Cince his parents Were beth W/erd ef Life missienaries he knew his wheLe Life he Was geing te ge te the Ebl. (fed Was directing him inte fuLL time ministry and geing te \\/erd ef Life WeuLd be the best fer him. Ebeing surreunded With aLL the different ministry eppertuni-

ties he WeuLd be abLe te find eut what (fed Wanted him te de in his Life. -Uis first year at


the Ebl he reaLLy get a handle en the \Verd and started te understand the Value ef just ene Verse in the £>ible. And he reaLLy Learned te appreciate the greatness ef the Ccriptures as a WheLe. This Led him te ceme te 2 nd year where he is Learning abeut the LeVe ef (fed. As he studies mere ef Ccripture it makes his LeVe fer (fed grew strenger. Je plans en geing te EbEbC and Wants te Werk teWards beceming a prefesser semeday. Jjis Life Verse is (faLatians 2.-2.0 this Verse helped him understand that We can- net de things en eur eWn. CnLy With the help ef Christ can We de any­ thing and aLL things. Lveryday is a new experience fer TyLer and he tries te Let (fed Werk in his Life cempLetely. TyLer effers himself ever te the Lerd daily in erder fer (fed te shape him inte the gedLy man Lie intended him te be. Jamie J oyce Psalm 119:59 says. “I theught en my Ways, and turned my feet unte thy testimeny.” Jamie Jeyce claims this Verse as his Life testimeny yet his

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Life did net always reflect it. Jamie Was bern June 5. 1986 in a seLid Christian family in PanViLLe, \/A. Ebeing cLese te his elder sister, Jamie tended te Want te de the same things as she did. Ce it was ne wen- der when his sister at age seven received Christ as her saVier that Jamie became Very curieus and started asking guestiens such as. “W/he saved yeu, and whereP". Llis parents tried te explain te him the difference between LleaVen and LleLL and his church’s paster

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teek him threugh the Peman’s R_ead. Jamie knew eneugh at five te knew that he didn’t Want te end up in heLL, but that’s has far as he get. The next five years ef his Life, he Lived thinking he was geing te heaven when he died, but he neticed there Was ne difference in his Life frem the kids he Went te scheel with. After a baseball game en W\a y 6, 1997- Jamie unwillingly accempanied his parents te an eVangeListic cenference with speaker 5aiLey Cmith. Cmith preached en the herribLeness ef heLL that night, and the mere he speke the mere empty and afraid Jamie became. untiL he realized his saLvatien had been a Lie. Censing her yeunger brethers nerVeusness. Jamie’s sister effered te Walk deWn the isLe with him, where they were met by the yeuth paster, Jeff (feiseL. That night Jamie fuLLy put his trust in Jesus Christ. "Cince then, my Life has changed and I have feund meaning in Living. As a sen ef (fed, I am te Live fer Jim and teLL ethers ef the (fespeL ef Christ."


FSiographies 15

Opening ^

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be like his teacher.”

-John 6:40

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Word of Life students often look forward to classes because they know that not only wilL they be gaining a strong knowledge of Cfod's word but practical life applications that will take them far in Cfed’s service. Attentively. Mattie Lrnhout listens to the guest Lecturer as he gives another illustration on how CJod's hand can be seen through all circumstances of life. Prin­ ciples Learned in class can always be used in day-to-day life.

\\/dA\/! Look at aLL those students! first year cLass is always Larger than second year...but hopefully we will see those who say "I’m not going to 2nd year!" next year!!

Every Tuesday is test day. ^>ean O'&rlen contemplates the correct an­ swer! Lope you studied well!

Puring break you can find people doing Various things. Angie K/feLean and lliana Lroes take a few minutes study their notes for the te st they have during the following period.

18 f~Trst Year C la sp ro o Kc ~ academic m


Jaci faisst focuses in on the mes­ sage being brought by one of our resident professors. Their Lessons aren't just for the purpose of cramming more informa- I tion into our heads, but to minister to our hearts. i i *

These students are busy paying at­ tention to whomever is teaching. It's awesome to be able to hear so many perspectives on the Word of £jod. as Long as they stick to (fod's \Vord and not their own.



One of the biggest reasons why professor and guest lecturers teach at Word of Life \s to see the students grow in their faith in Jesus Christ. The Ebible Institute provides classes that help the students buiLd firm foundations on the rock, which is the Word of Cfod. The focus of each class is to help the students have a deeper appreciation of the E>ible. first year's main focus is on biblicaL training; students study Theology. E>ible Purvey, and specific books of Scripture, first year cLasses give the students a greater understanding of individual books, expounding and applying the truth to their Lives. Second year's main focus is on ministry and they build upon the biblical principles that they Learned in first year to enhance their future ministry. Classes such as Piscipleship, Apologetics, and Lbible -Ctudy K/jethods give the second year a new perspective on the Lord’s Work in their lives. The teachers at Word of Life bring to the classroom Wisdom forged through years of study in the Word of Cfod. This Wisdom is passed along to the students and shapes them into the godLy men and Women Cfod intends them to be. Cfod will lead these students on many different roads on the highway of Life. Ebut they are Learning to give the wheel over to the Lord and trust in Llis guidance. W/hateVer they do and wherever they go they will be abLe to serve the Lord with all their hearts and all their souls.

\Vord of Life Likes to see our gentLemen come to class clean shaVen...Looks Like Perrick UummeL needed to shave off that nine o'clock shadow.

first Vear o assroom 19 /\cad emic

A group of students gather around the guest speaker during break to gain a Little more insight to the subject frreak time is always a good time to ask the speaker questions that weren't answered in class.

Uannah fuLk iaV.es a moment t o smile. while Daniel FuLk sits thought- fuLLy pendering on the class. Professors Like io see that ihe students are having fun while really thinking about the topic at hand.

Tminifuj the


\Vhtf Wouldn’t Want to experience sunny days and perfect pLerida Weather during their first year of ceLLegeP for seme this may have been an influence to why they weuld chese the fLerida campus ever the Mew Yerk campus, but what they feund when they get there Was far mere than just Warm weather. These students feund a family, a heme away frem heme, and this type ef atmesphere affected the Way the class reems Were run as WeLL One of the students reperts. "Yeu ceuld really tell the prefessers Weren't there just te teach us. but te alse build relatienships." because ef the smaLLer class size it wasn't hard fer the students te ask guestiens. and get inVelved with each ether in an academic level. Often yeu can see the students in small study greups. discussing the day's Lessens and enceuraging each ether te exceL in their academic duties. Ifed has truly bLessed the cLass reem where net enly dees the academics and prefessers cencentrate en the mind ef the student but alse en the heart. It’s safe te say that even if the sun stepped shining en the flerida campus the Warmth ef hespitaLity shewn threugheut the campus Weuld be eneugh te get the students threugh the year and en te New Yerk fer Second Year.

One of Florida’s beloved resident pro­ fessors takes a moment to answer the question of one of his students, students are greatly encouraged by the professors to ask as many questions as they can. Questions also help the professors know that the students are really thinking and not just comprehending.

g.QJ.st Y car H o rid a Acad emirs

Awkward siLence anyoneP

The C^eorge Theis Assembly Center is the spot were students gather every day to sit under men of C^od. to be taught so that they can go and reach their generation for Christ.

Brittney Rodgers and Matt CjYenier try to relax for a few moments on this high demand bench before the beLL rings.

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Ready to start class. Melody low ­ ers. and £>rian JarrelL take out their notes and Look ahead for the professor to start his lecture.

Ebrendon Ross gives a hearty thumbs up signaling his approval of the class.

|---- Let the beLLs ring! students dis­ perse all around the class room during their Long awaited break. This time allows students ten minutes to strech. talk with friends, or in some cases pull out their notes and quickly study for that quiz next period.

I 5 t Year Florida 21 /Academics

Pan Arthur and Jenn bidder compare notes before a big test. You can often find students doing seme Last minute studying before and in between classes.

Ryan Pinney. Timothy Young. Jared Yeung, and Nathan 3tesky. pose for a picture in between classes. Lasting friendships are often made in and outside the classroom.

Previously used for firstyear class­ room. Council UaLL has now been trans­ formed into the meeting place of 2nd year's student body since the comple­ tion of The Jack W/yrtzen Center in 2(9(93. Puring class break Anthony 3artelli catches up on some reading for the class he is taking W\ost people use their break time to study or to talk to the professor to become better acquainted with the subject

Christina Arrington and Jenni Piaz take a moment to make sure their notes are correct. You can often find these two friends studying together trying to encour­ age one another in their Work.

22 2 nd Year Academics

W/ikteria 6tekarska attentively takes netes during ene of the many guest Lec­ tures that ceme and teach in 2nd year's classreem.

The scenery eutside of council hall provides students a pLace to clear their heads, catch a moment aL^ne with Cfod. and hepefully wake up before starting their next heur of class.

tv fcrfctt Trcm t

W/eVe all heard the jekes about 2nd year. “So ya missed, eh?". and "ALL Liars go to 2nd year!". There are so many factors that brought so many of us back to this scheeL fer a second year, but mest of us wiLL teLL yeu that we weren’t pLanning the secend trip areund the W/^L&I campus, but semewhere in time (fed placed Llis aLL knowing hand or\ our Lives and brought us to where We are teday. Ceming back to 2nd Year isn’t just abeut finding eur seuL mate, or because we "Lied". It’s abeut finding eurseLves in Christ Jesus. In first year We fecused on TheeLegy and majer beeks in the E>ibLe. \Ve gained aLet of head knewLedge abeut eur faith, but secend year is abeut finding the heart beat of our faith. \Vith courses such as ApeLegetics. where We Learn hew te defend eur faith, and tvjusLim and Jewish EwangeLism where we are taught hew te share eur faith in a Way that WiLL net turn ethers away. (fed is turning these students inte spirituaL Leaders. Second year is a secend chance fer (fed to shape the students inte great men and Wemen ef faith. J)ure lie can de that anywhere, but in a campus envirement fiLLed with se much LeVe and ministry. (fed is abLe te break dewn WaLLs and remedeL us in a Way that WeuLd be difficuLt anywhere eLse. This is a speciaL time te grew with (fed. and just maybe te Let -Uim bring that speciaL semeene aLeng as weLL

Cfeorge Anthony shews off his mad guitar skills during one of the breaks. Its always nice to have a Little enter­ tainment during the breaks.

2nd Vear 23 Academics

Wendell Csfilcfer Traveling ELvangaList.

W/endeLL LauLder Visits W/^rd ef Life to teach students in PhiLLipians. Lpehesian, James, and mere

Pr. JoeJ Orfan Pr. Joe Jordan, Executive Pirecter of Word of Life. traVeLs the world holding forth the light of Cfods Word in a darkened uni Verse. J-lis dedication to Christ Is truly shaking the nations. M ike (T^lfurun Pirector of Local Church ministries, ministers in the churches of America. Lie steadfastly adheres to &iblical truths in a time where such absolutes are adamently rejected

Quest Lectures

Jon Pouquet Mursfuell wicks Tom PceVis Mike Lcelfeoun

(shuck 6cfiei((e Pr. peterson Pr. Cfueli Pr. Pjornstfa Pr. Simcox Jimmy Pe^ounq

W ende ll C'A-^er Lcerry Moyer Joe.Jordan Pr. Masters Pon tyufyb(\.r<J Pr. Anderson Jofin W itcomb

P r. T>hoWers Tom Tieylor pritcfiierd 'Ken Triemm Mr. Vipers

Pr. Patterson pic fa rllend

Qeorqe Theis Pr. W leaner

24 Quest |_ecture


As most guest Lecturers. Dr. Andersen takes seme time during the break to answer Pan YoungbLood. Nate Martin and Pave Boones questions.

# t pj t n With LpC$fin(j Impressions

At \\/erd of Life We are blessed by the fact that eur campus is able te hest so many amazing men of (fed. Lvery Week aleng With eur 2 core classes, \\/0L brings in a man to teach the students en a certain tepic, or te fecus in en ene particular aspect or book of the Ebible. One of the greatest things for the students to see is hew much these men really care abeut them. Their geal while here is te influences us te research the scriptures, dive inte (feds \\/erd te find purpese and meaning. They want us te retain the knewLedge se that semewhere deWn the read it will be a help te eur Lives. These men ceme and ge, and have se fer years, but the reputatien they Leave behind is always remembered. Lveryene has their faVerite and We all remember the ene class that ne ene passes, but the imprints they Leave in eur hearts Will Last fer eternity.

WL. f i1 mm

Jen &ouquet, leads 1st year flordia students through the book of I Corinthians.

K/]r. Peterson talks to two married students between a class. K/|r- Paterson, like many guest lectures takes a personal interest in the Lives of students.


Quest lecture 25


w em m m m m

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N/]ike ELaton. teaching a cLass on rela­ tionships With biblical perspective, cracks another one of his infamous jokes. jJis strong personality and a thirst for truth are evident in his teaching on day-to- day matters.

klazu klato teaches a night Sunday school session on the different facets of the Christian prayer life.

Tim .5eybolt takes a moment to write a few notes from an evening class.


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W/^71_ £>| started these classes in hopes that the students would be able to learn something that was practical and personal to them. i-lepefully not only Were they able to learn from the lessoh but also gain a new perspective from godly examples.

Something old yet with a ntew twist. This year. \Vord of Life started a new Sunday school program that takes place an Sunday night rather than the traditional evening servic^. \Vith a Variety ef teachers and cLass eptiens. students are given the chance to dive inte the \Verd ef £fed in an area mest

applicable te their specific interests.

The classes covered a Large range ef tepics including: \Vhat \Vemen \Vant a class taught by Lyle tlartweLL. a course of EbibLical principles in relationships with others taught by W\\V.e Laton. a Women's enly class taught by K/\s. klirby and the women's staff. PeaLing with cemmunicatien and eur Werds. discerning areas ef the &ible and certain dectrinal truths with klazu klate. and Jasen iJeadlees cLass or\ entertainment. ELveryene greatLy enjeyed the classes they cheese and Learned a Let that they

ceuld apply te their Lives.



students in fvjike E_aten‘s class are net enly able to get a good understanding ef the biblical prin­ ciples in relationships but also have a fun time.


e m i c. s

f Students

O n e BWt;

One can really feel the presence of <LJed when they first step foot on the SI campus. A million thoughts run through the person's mind Like: “\Vhat am I deing hereP". "Is this really where Cfod Wants me to beP". "Yeu mean We can’t Listen to music or Watch T.V.P". or “\\/ew. I cannet Wait to see what Cfod has in stere fer me this year!” for seme this Was going to be a dramatic change te what their used te. fo r ethers this is an aweseme time te Leek ferWard te. Sut fer all ef us it is defnitely a new experience. As the year gees en We discover that the Lerd can de amazing things in every circumstance. \Vhen we cempletely submit eur Lives ever te -Uim, jJe can change eur hearts. W/e seen disceVer that this scheeL is fuLL ef peeple whe LeVe Christ and Want te have fellewship. The E?l gives students a special time te mature, gain aWeseme relatienships. and grew and change with felleW brethers and sisters in Christ.

\Vhite Waiting the twe leng heurs fer his Laundry te be done. Jeel ELlam entertains his friends With his musical skiLs.

Tabitha bleed, April (V|iLLer. Cuzi Ctamatis. lAelsi E>ertz. and Ebri Cfingrich take a mement frem werking te smile fer the camera. The E-mbers" girls are kneWn fer their fun Leving attitude while serving the students en campus.

K/|s. kCirby stands t o cheer f or the i-lusky N/|cn5 Basketball team at one of their games.

Jessica JJarrelL Paniel Watson. Pwight Pena, bill PurceLL and K/larrisa £>lauert all acted together in this years judgement heuse at the LlarVest Jamberee. iJaVing fun With ministry certainly brings peeple together.

C.an'pus Cjreetings F eople

3 0

Panni Ekysscmus. Rachael Lewis. &o W\ee Ahn. and kCirby .ngell enjoy coffee and entertainment at the Loffee J-louse. This event is always such a great time of fellowship for the students.

f)et uou didiVt know..

» >

P d - n J o n e s

Qro wing up I Was always heavily involved in my church, including the children’s choir. In second grade the director of the children’s musical picked me to perform a rap solo during an Egyptian style song. Of course I was a bit nervous but mere so excited. The night of play finally came, and the church was packed. The musical Was going great until it was time for my solo, barefooted. because of the Egyptian theme. I stepped up to the microphone. but as I started to sing, pain shot up my Leg and I feel down screaming and crying. \Vith a questioning audience and a frantic director. I managed to choke out the Word. “Splinter.". The play was then over due to the fact the church had erupted into Laughter, even to the point of tears. Llowever. my singing career was far from over. I enjoy singing and writing music and plan on investing my talent in the future for career or even just to glorify Cfod.

>ȣ.in((Mu 6tone

A small group of my friends and I were at a pool and we insisted on playing Various peel games, included the best game ever created, yes. DodgebaLL Our dodgeball game was weLl underway, when one ball shot out of the water Like a bullet. Fortunately. I could come out of the water to snatch the escapee Just then, at the corner of my eye. was another oncoming baLL with my reflexes like a mongoose" I had the capability of dodging the ball but. my mouth Wasn’t as

successful dodging the cement edge. To answer many questions I will say this...Yes. it hurt. No. it didn’t bleed everywhere. Puh. I freaked out.J remember saying on the way to the hospital "I Leave for college in two Weeks and I have no teeth!!’ Then I was reminded by a good friend that it Was Tfods W/iLL" as they Laughed uncontrollably of course.Jm \Vhat are friends for^


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P.Cs. Annie Christ, and C>arah Ebubar, join With 1st year Nicole Peemer. in a Wild and crazy night of fun for all of the W/CL&I campus.

Puring Campus Cfet to know you day Cara ford and Pani &elyea enjoy the fun and games provided by the "Peans of fun”.

(Campus (greeting; 31

ALyssa Adams

be \\^ee Ahn

Christina Andersen

R.usty Abel

ALLysen Antheny

A>ara h Andersen

klelLi Argot

Jeseph ArneLd

Lee Arthur

PaVid Armbrecht

-------------------peed Line Cf-irio C.rika Purham. Cassandra Nyhuis. pleriane Travers. Cheryl Masters. Nicel Douglas

fvjandi Atkins

C>akike Ayashire benjamin baker

Cheryl baker

klenneth baratta

NicheLas barker

Laurie Barnard

benjamin barnes Jeye barnhart

Clockwise from top A>arah i-Utchkiss. E_miLy B>r^wn. Amy ilepler. Christina Yoder, t^egan Wingard ew

{“irst Year jbt P eopl

3 2


PanielLe EbeLyea Nathan benjamin Tiffany Ebergmann

E-miLy EbeLLin

nth^ny E>ar <?ne

Jessica Ebecker

Craig Ebeyer

Ashley [berube

[benjamin Ebest

K/larissa fblauert

R.ebekah Ebeeher

kJelsi Ebertz

aemi EbramLett

Michael Ebreadbent

ELmily EbreWn

EWroANA Carrie ktauffman. ELacheL (passer. Teny Carew

411 / * -- \T 'fi t 'Ji IV *MJ / t

T<?ugh <^uy5---------------------- Mark C)ingltft<?n. Pwight Pena. Jonathan RandaLL Pan Youngblood. Pan Arthur. \-£e Arthur, and fben R^binsz»n

New York

f eople

[Porm Wars

& i Pat EbreWn

Aaren £>revVn

6teal The E>acon

[Porms (Jnite!

b ro th e r/lis te r

£>en Ebrunk

K/|ichael Clark [

Nathan E?ryant

Lindsay i>tone and Abel MiLL^r get their pens ready to Write down the answer to the anticipated ques­ tion. £?ne of the many games played on Porm War Night was foible Sizing to test the students ontheir knowledge of Clod’s W/ord.

Ashleigh Burdick Jared E?urrer

Ashley Creteau

\Vith one foot in the pool and one foot out. Joe Rand awaits his opportunity to run to the next base. Water Pool baseball was one of the craziest games the student body participated in.

rsten EburreWs kleLLy Cain

Jeremiah Carsey Themas Cartledge

Tessa Pise

They came with face paint and spirit to prove that the E>lack team shows no mercy! Puring a tough game of Podgeball this team united to score a victory.

N/]icrhaeLa Causley Carla Cavalcanti


34 First YeanStudent

K/|ichaeL Chei

Jasen ChiLcett Aug Y<?ung Chee

Aaren ChiLcett

>renda Chapman Jesiah Chick

PanieL Creech ILiana Crees

Joseph Cramer

Pave CeLLins ALLisen Cengden Lauri Cerff

Ebrett CreWeLL Elizabeth CreWneVerJeremiah Curry Charlise PaCunha Jeseph Pamm Carissa Pavis

NiceLe Peemer Zachary Penten

iCrista Piaz

Nicele PiLListene Elisabeth Pineen

Aimee Peering iCahLa Pembreski Nicel PeugLas

E_rika Purham Jonathan ELdwards klendra EJLer

Amanda E_ins<fL<fn

Joel E-Lam _

Cat n N\ouse ~ Jam^L Wofford and &re t t Crowell

! d>ibie Quizzing ~ EbiLL Spencer and Pan Jenes

New Yo rk 35

I eople


l , prayerthan thi.

“More things are wrou world dreams of.”


~[_.dV T"ennuson


Over 300 Warriors en their knees rise up in a whispered prayer that cellectiVely rears, shaking this Werld’s invisible battle. The students at Word ef Life Ebible Institute put their hepe and trust in the meVing peWer ef

£fed, interceding fer different countries each Week. In as much as the prayers are purposed to minister to these areund the WerLd, deubLe are the blessings returned. Luring the year, time spent in prayer has burdened hearts ever fereign ceuntries creating a missien minded campus and a missien eriented student bedy. Prayer Ebands preVides the whele student bedy te lift up requests ef the WerLd te the jJeLy Threne ef dfed.


C>tephaine LLmer K/jattie Lrnheut Tiffany Lrspamer Verenica ELrWin Jewel Lsguerra farces ELsteVes

•i I i » 1

R.yan Fairbanks JacLyn faisst Jenna falcenieri

Julie farlew

Jeshua felix

Themas fisher

Cesar Pessea

Jeremy frable

J-leLLi frazier

J)ara frey

Jeff C^aia

Jonathan (faLvacky

36 First Y ear f co pie

Jarrett Gardner Anthony (^arweod ELacheL (passer

Joseph (filbert B>rianna (^"ingrich

C>arah <^eff

klC C^enzaLez K/]aghen CJ'eedman

E>eth CJerden

N/licrha<sL (^essin

IdlfndaLL (^race

Lleidi CJYeVe

klevin ilalL

Jessica iJarreLL Jessica -Uarris

Andrew kJart

R.enee kJartsman

Parren Llayes Chris JJendricksen

Amy jJepler

Jehn JJerber

Amy Llerren

Laura -Uess

A>achike JJiguchi LLaina J-linckLey

\Vard tliney

JJ Llipp


Chris Jjeenshell

N cwYo r lc 3 "



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