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fLeep or\ keeping on" is one of Dr. Charles f. -Ccheide’s fa- Verite expressions. £>ible Institute students in NY, fL and all around the World ha\/e heard that ph rase many times and know that the man
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who repeats it practices what he preaches.
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for over 25 years. Pr. Pcheide has taught at the \Vord of Life EbibLe Institute - first as adjunct faculty, and for the Last 6 years as a fuLL time professor of Theology. -Ue also teaches Pastoral LpistLes and Lcclesiology. as well as other 3ibLe books, tie and his Wife have a great Love for students, tlis wife. Joanna. Works With a Ladies’ Trio, and together minister at Various churches on Weekends. tjrs. Pcheide is often seen pLaying the piano and she encourages the Women students and staff by being a godly example of the type of Woman in Proverbs 31. Pr. C>cheide is the campus pastor and has an open door policy to students and staff alike. tie spends much of his time counseling and encouraging others With the wisdom that Qod has given him. tlis generosity and compassion is an example to all. but his LoVe for the \Vord of £Jod L what makes him respected and honored by aLL who know him.
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Pr. Pcheide is down to compassionate but he is not afraid to face the difficult subjects in today’s society. boldLy holding up Coed's Word earth and regard Less of the standard of political correctness. You can see his undying passion for students to grow in Christ. -Ue challenges students to seek abandoned faith. and to present everything they have back to the Savior for klis use. 3ut in this abandonment. Pr. Pcheide warns against the ecumenical mentality that so many Christians fa ll into today. -Ue urges students to search out the scriptures and not simpLy to rely On pastors and commentaries, tie urges us to aLLoW the Word of Cfod to form our theology instead of trying to twist it into our own presuppositions. We shouLd all be peopLe of the Ebook
Pr. Pc heide married Joanna Ctavin on Pept. I. 1962 , and they have three children and one grandchild.
6 Dedication n
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