Word of Life Bible Institute Yearbook 2005

Matt Rwwley

Vick Zink

Investing ~J~ime Jnto a f^o d y of (Jhrist WOL&\ provides many opportunities for its students to experience first hand what its ike to be in fuLL-time ministry, students in local church ministry act as yeuth Leaders or hiLdren’s Sunday School teachers which aLLeWs the students to experience the inner working of he LecaL church and Learn hew te run that type ef ministry. The students get to see their hurch grew and have the eppertunity te ferm aweseme reLatienships with church members, hey Learn hew te effectiveLy minister te the members ef the church as they get te knew the eeds ef Varieus peepLe in the cemmunity. Learning the inner Werkings ef the LecaL church wiLL ; eLp these inVeLved in this m inistry be abLe te better serve in their heme churches.

Its been amazing te see hew Cfed werks in a church that has faithfuL men that want te •erve JJim." - E>iLLy &eb

* “iJe’s bLeWn my perceptien wide epen in reLatien te the LecaL church. Coed’s just shewn me yeu can ave an aweseme ministry in a heme. This is what the LecaL church is aLL abeut.” - Nate Martin

Jenna Ueath spends time With a girl frem the Vocal church she Was abLe t o minister in this year.

* "W/erking with LecaL church m inistries has reaLLy epened my eyes that the church isn’t that ctuaL buiLding but rather the peepLe” - Cfeorge Antheny

Jeannette Curry enjeyed greatly her time With her friend. Ller ministry included teaching and LeVing the children in the church.

Jasen Punnagan and seme girls have fun while Waiting fer their parents te pick them up frem Sunday Scheel.

L_ocal (Thurch 97 Ministry

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