Word of Life Bible Institute Yearbook 2005

Owe of the best opportunities a \VCLEbl student gets to see is the Word of QoA touch people’s Lives in an amaz­

The Children’s ministry team goes to churches and puts on puppet shows and skits to reach a younger generation. The

ing ways. Eyeing a part of Cfod’s awesome plan is a Very rewarding experience. The ministry teams Were invoked with Cuperbowls where they Were abLe to help With counseling and running the activities, Mother/Paughter and fa- ther/Con retreats where

Rock Crew goes out to prima­ rily promote the IsLand and also Works closely With the Is­ Land staff. These students take what they learn in the Ebl classroom and apply to the Various activities that they are involved in. CerVing on ministry teams is definitely a growing and Learning expe­

One- shoul({ look i\-t Ministry With eA^er (\-nticij) fction) then you cfcnfinc^ joy (\-n^ pleasure in the- Work CfO([ /ww (jiVe-n you to c(o.

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they are able to Lead group activities and run program and Various other exciting Ventures. The Inn ministry team Works at the Inn during the weekend to en­ sure that the guests have a great time.

rience for all those involved. The memo­ ries that Were made during the course of these ministries wiLL never be for­ gotten.

TyLer CeLLins

\\/hat really stuck out Was that no matter what was go\ng on in everyone's Lives at that time when We got out there to minister. ALL that matter was the chiLdren. \Ve could reaLLy see each <?thers love for the kids, and we knew that the m^st important thing when y<?ur out on ministry is the minis­ try. "-Jennifer Custer

Chris &&wles

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PanicL Watson and J^sh W\ezzano

h\o matter what y<?u do - carrying het ch^c^Late or working in the dishpit - is ministry. The things y<?u do in whatever area yeu are Working in affect the pe^pLe y^u are Working for and with. Even if y<?ur net on stage preaching yeu can stiLL be used to bring semeene to Christ by having a good attitude. Cjod rewards our obedience. ~Jared Yeung PersenaLLy I had so many different ex­ periences of ministry this year, from ^uperbewLs to heLping with retreats and being a judge in a canee race. I never imagined that ministry ceuLd be fun and I was thankfuL far the new op­ portunities in different areas of minis­ try. Whatever you do in the Way of ministry, it is far the gLery of Cfod. ~E>e 6hin

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