Word of Life Bible Institute Yearbook 2005

It was incredible to minister to people that you’ll never see again with the love of Christ, remembering that you have to let God work though your passion and ability ~ K asey R ising

Team 1 0 - fr^nt E. 0 W: Andrea TvJeeddale. J^nny Underwood. Cherry W\ac\^eod. Amy (griffin. tJ^ath^r Welch &ack ELric \Vats 0 n. \Zenn TrayL^r. Pan Mindrup

/ was able to work at the Storm event with a local church youth group. One of my pas­ sions is working with kids and this ministry gave me the opportunity to discover it more. God will always show through in everything you do. It also makes you have to rely on the Spirit more and_notthe_ fleshy ______/ / J onathan P igg

Team 9 - Fr<?nt ^w . Llannah f^uLk. &riann£ Nutter. >±>h^LLy Tiffany, klrystal Jimenez-C^onzaLez 'back IZ 0 W. Jami<£ VaL£ntin<f. Justin Nupp. Scett Lam­ bert

J u d g e m e n t H o u s e In one of the last scenes of this virtual drama, Karla and Kortnei Brown are decked out all in white to represent angels in heaven. S T O RM Ministry teams get together to take a snap shot before the Word of Life Storm event takes place. This ministry was an awesome way to reach teens in Florida.

T^am 8 - F^nt Derek Bennett. Car^L Jj^lm^s. Mindy Shoultz. Warren Wareback \ZoW: toa m t>borer. Pavid W\ora. VLyle PhiLLips. bie^e M indrup

Team 6 - froni 12 .o'tJ-. Pa\/id

ELrin E><?yle. Silvia

Tfiam 7 _ F™nt E. 0 W: Cinthia De Lucia. W\eV\na t>\l^Ja. Den\se iJardy. Zhanna PrcsLcr &ack Maff dfr<^ni<^r. Vin ce La(Tatta. Jactfb Webb. Jonathan P \gg fyjinistrL)

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W\arcus filler, Pavid toaelee. W\\ke N\arroqu\n.

Justin Uensen

earns 101

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